Custom Query (981 matches)


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Results (401 - 500 of 981)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Milestone Component
#302 provide user-interface to adjust long term debt romw Defect Minor Undetermined Manager
#307 Windows does not go to suspend/hibernate when BOINC is running davea Defect Minor Undetermined Client - Daemon
#313 php does not seem to run Rytis Defect Minor Undetermined Web - Project
#323 named anchor for forum posts needs to be above the post, not in it Rytis Defect Minor Undetermined Web - Forums
#325 Force project applications to single core (Windows) davea Defect Minor Undetermined Client - Daemon
#326 libCurl CA package can't be found davea Defect Minor 6.0 Client - Daemon
#329 Troubleshooting davea Enhancement Minor Undetermined Manager
#339 View menu doesn't remember what view you were using romw Defect Minor Undetermined Manager
#340 rss.gif not copied by make_project davea Defect Minor Undetermined Server - Setup
#344 Set correct permissions on html/cache, without needing umask [patch] Rytis Enhancement Minor Undetermined Web - Project
#348 Checkpoints from multiple workunits should sync davea Enhancement Minor Undetermined Client - Daemon
#355 Results Display Page Suggestion Rytis Enhancement Minor Undetermined Web - Project
#356 db_update.php shouldn't ask for authentication davea Defect Minor Undetermined Server - Setup
#357 Advanced Preferences can't handle "24:00" Didactylos Defect Minor Undetermined Manager
#358 Direct way to request account key Rytis Defect Minor Undetermined Web - Project
#359 Tasks don't suspend with mouse movement on Ubuntu davea Defect Minor Undetermined Client - Daemon
#362 Deploy Boinc on Windows (Active Directory) romw Enhancement Minor Client - Setup
#364 Time zone reported incorrectly davea Defect Minor 5.10 Client - Daemon
#365 Scrolling the list of projects in the Statistics tab. romw Enhancement Minor Undetermined Manager
#371 Project that has not been fully initialiazed shows as blank on the statistics tab. romw Defect Minor Undetermined Manager
#375 Web buttons don't open default browser on Vista romw Defect Minor Undetermined Manager
#377 Web: List Host ID on Pending Credit Page Rytis Enhancement Minor Undetermined Web - Project
#381 Weird transfer speeds reported by Boinc 5.10.20 davea Defect Minor Undetermined Client - Daemon
#384 Proxy Authentication Fails romw Defect Minor Undetermined Client - Setup
#385 Show Graphics only work in Simple mode romw Defect Minor 6.0 Client - Screen Saver
#387 only send enough tasks to match ncpus davea Enhancement Minor Undetermined Server - Scheduler
#395 linux 5.10.8 boinc_cmd --help references invalid --acct_mgr_rpc option, missing --join_acct_mgr, --quit_acct_mgr, --version davea Defect Minor 5.10 Client - Documentation
#398 Boinc 5.10.20 crash - account manager? davea Defect Minor Undetermined Client - Daemon
#401 Manager columns problem after switch beetwen Text and Grid views romw Defect Minor 6.4 Manager
#404 Wrong message on attach wizard if connected to an AMS romw Defect Minor Undetermined Manager
#410 upcoming change in /proc/cpuinfo on powerpc davea Enhancement Minor Undetermined Client - Daemon
#414 BOINC client should prioritize next work packet based on return time davea Enhancement Minor Undetermined Client - Scheduler Policy
#415 php errors in show_log.php Rytis Defect Minor Undetermined Web - Project
#419 Changing install from service to single user/shared option gives failed installation. romw Defect Minor 5.10 Client - Setup
#424 Backslash problems on new forum previews Rytis Defect Minor Undetermined Web - Forums
#425 inc/ invokes "flush" not "flush()" Rytis Defect Minor Undetermined Web - Localization
#427 Bug in "Sort by Deadline" romw Defect Minor 5.10 Manager
#428 Boinc nomenclature romw Task Minor 6.6 Undetermined
#431 [Patch] Fix OpenBSD compile errors davea Enhancement Minor Undetermined Client - Build
#434 Inconsistent icons romw Defect Minor 5.10 Manager
#437 Rename boinc_cmd Eric Korpela Defect Minor 6.6 Client - Build
#438 Compilation error for GUI client on Linux romw Defect Minor 6.0 Client - Build
#440 BM on Unix: fails to create new account if fifth field in /etc/passwd is empty romw Defect Minor Undetermined Manager
#441 Minor improvements to Spanish localization romw Defect Minor Undetermined Manager - Localization
#442 Minor improvements to the Attach new project wizard romw Defect Minor 6.12 Manager
#444 Missing charsets in FontSet creation romw Defect Minor 5.10 Manager
#446 Deactivated graphics display romw Defect Minor 5.10 Manager
#450 Checkpoint while standalone davea Enhancement Minor Undetermined BOINC - API
#452 Attach wizard doesn't allow Unicode romw Defect Minor Undetermined Manager
#456 random crash of Linux graphic boincmgr when closing romw Defect Minor 5.10 Manager
#459 Project-specific preferences reset by AMS RPCs davea Defect Minor Undetermined Server - Other
#462 Linux BOINC Manager advanced not saving window size romw Defect Minor 5.10 Manager
#465 Simple View: Custom skin reverts back to default on reboot/log off romw Defect Minor 5.10 Manager
#466 make_project fails davea Defect Minor 6.0 Server - Setup
#470 BM: Save hostname/password pair for CCs in Manager's configuration file? romw Task Minor Undetermined Manager
#472 Charset doesn't get exported correctly Rytis Defect Minor Undetermined Web - Localization
#476 Mark all threads read returns foo davea Defect Minor Undetermined Web - Forums
#477 show_post2() still referenced davea Defect Minor Undetermined Web - Forums
#482 Forum Thread errors davea Defect Minor Undetermined Web - Forums
#483 Windows setup file has truncated version info. romw Defect Minor 5.10 Client - Setup
#484 Window fails to close properly after "Show Graphics" window is opened. Bruce Allen Defect Minor Undetermined BOINC - Graphics API
#486 Email notification on PMs broken davea Defect Minor Undetermined Web - Forums
#488 Host Merge Not Working davea Defect Minor Undetermined Web - Project
#489 Forum threads list display - move style to CSS; Minor fixes/improvements in white.css davea Enhancement Minor Undetermined Web - Forums
#493 do_delete_selected() broken in 14246 davea Defect Minor Undetermined Web - Private Messages
#496 doesn't translate "Private Messages" davea Defect Minor Undetermined Web - Forums
#497 Show images as link doesn't work on PMs and Preview davea Defect Minor Undetermined Web - Forums
#498 Message "Another instance of BOINC is running" davea Defect Minor 5.10 Client - Daemon
#505 ignore function broken on add and remove users. davea Defect Minor Undetermined Web - Forums
#506 Posting seems to set a thread "unread" davea Defect Minor Undetermined Web - Forums
#509 Akismet is crap davea Defect Minor Undetermined Web - Forums
#510 Snooze does not continue through a restart of BOINC. davea Defect Minor 5.10 Client - Daemon
#512 CPU Time not updated under linux Bruce Allen Defect Minor Undetermined BOINC - API
#514 BOINC fails to build from source with recent GCC 4.3 snapshots romw Defect Minor Undetermined Client - Build
#515 Language localization based on browser settings davea Defect Minor Undetermined Web - Localization
#516 Unable to activate 'Show Graphics' tab Bruce Allen Defect Minor Undetermined BOINC - API
#523 .BOINC Manager saved settings file has a space in the name romw Defect Minor Undetermined Manager
#530 Select which drive to use Enhancement Minor Undetermined Undetermined
#534 Invalid tags on GUI RPCs Bruce Allen Defect Minor Undetermined BOINC - API
#536 Mac library build fails charlief Defect Minor Undetermined BOINC - Graphics API
#538 doesn't detect activity on Win98 romw Defect Minor Undetermined Manager
#539 Bug in forum searches davea Defect Minor Undetermined Web - Forums
#544 Let BOINC Installer make the BOINC directory romw Enhancement Minor 6.0 Client - Setup
#546 CPU by fan speed charlief Enhancement Minor 6.4 Client - Setup
#548 BOINC Client (Graphical) -- when starting up on "Disk" tab shows strings of numbers romw Defect Minor 6.0 Manager
#549 (reissue) BOINC Client (Win/Mac ...) display error on launch romw Defect Minor 5.10 Client - Build
#551 More delete_file fixes davea Defect Minor Undetermined Server - Other
#552 <host_venue> doesn't work as expected. davea Defect Minor 6.6 Client - Daemon
#557 Hightlighting in Forum Search Results applied to HTML tags. davea Defect Minor Undetermined Web - Forums
#558 Pending credits WebRpc is broken davea Defect Minor Undetermined Web - Project
#564 graphics_app not being updated davea Defect Minor 5.10 Client - Screen Saver
#571 Screensaver spawning graphics windows romw Defect Minor 6.4 Client - Screen Saver
#575 Please add 1 more setting in BOINC client, as this greatly enchance its flexibility and usability romw Enhancement Minor Undetermined Manager
#576 does not appear in bulgarian language davea Defect Minor Undetermined Web - Localization
#585 The lattice project screensaver is not working. romw Defect Minor 5.10 Client - Screen Saver
#587 Unescaped ampersands in client_state.xml davea Defect Minor Undetermined Client - Daemon
#588 indefinite suspension of computing when changing system clock davea Defect Minor Undetermined Client - Daemon
#592 SVN r15004 fails to compile on Linux (i686, gcc4.3.0) [PATCH ATTACHED] davea Defect Minor Undetermined Server - Other
#593 Error searching forums while logged out davea Defect Minor Undetermined Web - Forums
#597 Replace our own translation system with PHP's gettext() davea Task Minor Undetermined Web - Project
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.