Opened 17 years ago

Closed 17 years ago

Last modified 16 years ago

#395 closed Defect (fixed)

linux 5.10.8 boinc_cmd --help references invalid --acct_mgr_rpc option, missing --join_acct_mgr, --quit_acct_mgr, --version

Reported by: twells Owned by: davea
Priority: Minor Milestone: 5.10
Component: Client - Documentation Version:
Keywords: boinc_cmd help account_manager Cc:


I recently updated to the latest linux version (5.10.8) and decided to start using an account manager and had some frustration trying to figure out how to attach. Based on google searches and the output of boinc_cmd --help, --acct_mgr_rpc was what I apparently needed to use. However --acct_mgr_rpc appears to no longer be valid in 5.10.8 and has apparently been replaced with --join_acct_mgr and --quit_acct_mgr which do not appear in --help but can be found by doing a strings on the binary.

It would be useful if all of the available commands could be added to the ./boinc_cmd --help output. Likewise --acct_mgr_rpc should either be removed and/or return some text stating what options to use instead.

I also noticed that while preparing this bug report that --version isn't listed there but should be too as it works.



Output from boinc_cmd below

[twells@riverside BOINC]$ ./boinc_cmd --version
boinc_cmd,  built from BOINC 5.10.8 

[twells@riverside BOINC]$ ./boinc_cmd --acct_mgr_rpc twells <password removed>
unrecognized command --acct_mgr_rpc

[twells@riverside BOINC]$ strings boinc_cmd | grep mgr
 --acct_mgr_rpc url name password

[twells@riverside BOINC]$ ./boinc_cmd --host localhost --join_acct_mgr twells <password removed>
poll status: operation in progress
poll status: operation in progress
[twells@riverside BOINC]$ tail -f stdoutdae.txt 
2007-09-05 21:02:22 [---] Contacting account manager at
2007-09-05 21:02:24 [---] Account manager: BAM Host-ID: 60209
2007-09-05 21:02:24 [---] Account manager contact succeeded

[twells@riverside BOINC]$ ./boinc_cmd --help

usage: boinc_cmd [--host hostname] [--passwd passwd] command

 --get_state                        show entire state
 --get_results                      show results
 --get_file_transfers               show file transfers
 --get_project_status               show status of all attached projects
 --get_simple_gui_info              show status of projects and active results
 --get_disk_usage                   show disk usage
 --result url result_name op        job operation
   op = suspend | resume | abort | graphics_window | graphics_fullscreen
 --project url op                   project operation
   op = reset | detach | update | suspend | resume | nomorework | allowmorework
 --project_attach url auth          attach to project
 --file_transfer url filename op    file transfer operation
   op = retry | abort
 --set_run_mode mode duration       set run mode for given duration
   mode = always | auto | never
 --set_network_mode mode duration
 --get_messages seqno               show messages > seqno
 --acct_mgr_rpc url name password
 --set_screensaver_mode on|off blank_time [desktop window_station]
 --get_project_config url
 --lookup_account url email passwd
 --create_account url email passwd name
 --set_debts URL1 std1 ltd1 [URL2 std2 ltd2 ...]

Change History (8)

comment:1 Changed 17 years ago by Nicolas

Component: Client - ManagerClient - Documentation
Keywords: boinc_cmd help account_manager added; linux 5.10.8 acct_mgr_rpc join_acct_mgr quit_acct_mgr removed
Owner: changed from romw to davea

Confirmed; bug still there on 5.10.18.

comment:2 Changed 17 years ago by davea

Resolution: fixed
Status: newclosed

I fixed these. Would it be OK for boinc_cmd --help to just print the URL of the web page about boinc_cmd?

comment:3 Changed 17 years ago by fthomas

No, because you are stuck if you've no connection to the internet.

comment:4 Changed 17 years ago by Nicolas

Have you ever seen any unix app showing just a URL on --help? Or on the manpage?

comment:5 Changed 17 years ago by Nicolas

Resolution: fixed
Status: closedreopened

This hasn't been merged into the 5.10 branch. 5.10.27 (the latest release) contains 3-month-old boinc_cmd code.

comment:6 Changed 17 years ago by Nicolas

Latest 6.10 tag has even older boinc_cmd than latest 5.10 tag.

comment:7 Changed 17 years ago by Nicolas

This seems fixed, in 6.x too.

comment:8 Changed 17 years ago by Nicolas

Resolution: fixed
Status: reopenedclosed
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