Custom Query (981 matches)


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Results (701 - 800 of 981)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Milestone Component
#188 Ability to report and/or filter out PMs Rytis Defect Major Undetermined Web - Forums
#190 dealing with forgotten password is awkward davea Defect Major Undetermined Web - Project
#205 Can't rename current state file to previous state file charlief Defect Major Undetermined Client - Daemon
#209 Computer hangs on trying to wake up davea Defect Major Undetermined Client - Daemon
#210 5.9.12_windows_x86_64 on Vista64 Manager graphics problem romw Defect Major 5.10 Manager
#211 Create donation system running via PayPal Rytis Enhancement Major Undetermined Web - Project
#216 Implement private messaging limits Rytis Defect Major Undetermined Web - Private Messages
#217 Do not allow banned users send PMs Rytis Defect Major Undetermined Web - Private Messages
#223 v5.10.0 - Win64 - memory-usage wrong. davea Defect Major Undetermined Client - Daemon
#228 Dual core Int Benchmark instability davea Defect Major Undetermined Client - Daemon
#253 Invallid Float error when switching to No Work on Batteries via Advanced View Peferences romw Defect Major Undetermined Client - Build
#257 Allows attach to project already attached to. romw Defect Major Undetermined Manager
#266 Handling of multithreaded work units davea Task Major Undetermined BOINC - API
#267 BOINC Manager - Help Menu - All links are the same. romw Defect Major Undetermined Manager
#273 Problem translation french website Rytis Defect Major Undetermined Web - Localization
#276 Server reissues task more then "total" specified davea Defect Major Undetermined Server - Transitioner
#280 5.8.17 fails to load under ubuntu gutsy Defect Major Undetermined Undetermined
#283 segmentation fault davea Defect Major 5.10 Client - Daemon
#284 Not able to see icons, graphics romw Defect Major 5.10 Manager
#296 Benchmarks hang on 5.10.7 (Windows 32bit) davea Defect Major Undetermined Client - Daemon
#303 Team description editing problem Rytis Defect Major Undetermined Web - Forums
#304 Unable to log out of account Rytis Defect Major Undetermined Web - Project
#305 Memory scheduling davea Enhancement Major Client - Scheduler Policy
#308 server make error davea Defect Major Undetermined Server - Setup
#346 |[error] Process ##### not found davea Defect Major Undetermined Client - Daemon
#347 large amount of tasks = boinc and boincmgr hogging all CPU time romw Defect Major 6.12 Manager
#350 Bad executables can cause infinite loop davea Defect Major Undetermined Client - Daemon
#361 Linux hostname is always localhost.localdomain davea Defect Major Undetermined Client - Daemon
#363 Per-day time preferences work incorrectly davea Defect Major 5.10 Client - Daemon
#366 Client needs to cancel transfer after server abort davea Defect Major 6.6 Client - Work Fetch Policy
#367 Vista user activity malfunction romw Defect Major 5.10 Client - Daemon
#370 Unable to reset password Defect Major Undetermined Undetermined
#379 Send In-Progress Results First davea Enhancement Major Undetermined Server - Scheduler
#380 Manager crashes when aborting task with downloads davea Defect Major Undetermined Client - Daemon
#388 Selecting Suspend from Activity menu sets Snooze checkmark in Taskbar icon's menu romw Defect Major 5.10 Manager
#390 Global Preferences romw Defect Major Undetermined Manager
#394 Quote marks escaped after PM preview Rytis Defect Major Undetermined Web - Private Messages
#400 Profile spam Rytis Enhancement Major Undetermined Web - Forums
#402 BOINC manager does not recognise HTTP_PROXY env. var content davea Defect Major Undetermined Client - Daemon
#403 Screen Saver does not display if 'on resume, password protect' is selected romw Defect Major 5.10 Client - Screen Saver
#408 Allow user to move/select location of BOINC data romw Enhancement Major 6.0 Client - Setup
#409 TeamImport davea Defect Major Undetermined Server - Other
#416 file_upload_handler incorrectly reports disk full Bruce Allen Defect Major Undetermined Server - File Upload Handler
#417 nowork_skip causes team info to disappear from client davea Defect Major Undetermined Client - Work Fetch Policy
#430 Not sending work - last request too recent (dont follow deferral-orders) davea Defect Major Undetermined Client - Daemon
#432 Cannot start BOINC Manager from commandline romw Defect Major 5.10 Manager
#445 Fix internal processing of linked lists romw Defect Major 5.10 Manager
#451 Security risk - merge computers by name davea Defect Major Undetermined Web - Project
#453 Vista networking issue? BOINC exits on up-/downloading. davea Defect Major 6.6 Client - Daemon
#461 Update libraries romw Task Major Undetermined Manager
#467 Error parsing the boinc_scheduler tag from master files davea Defect Major 5.10 Client - Daemon
#471 Attaching to project should be broken atm. davea Defect Major Undetermined Web - Project
#474 Editing first post removes title of thread, names it (no title). davea Defect Major Undetermined Web - Forums
#478 BoincCategory::enum() inconsistent davea Defect Major Undetermined Web - Forums
#479 Give team founders and admins information about wanted mail contact davea Defect Major Undetermined Web - Project
#485 PHP warning on threads (update 14234) davea Defect Major Undetermined Web - Forums
#490 Preview button sends PMs with language file in Polish davea Defect Major Undetermined Web - Localization
#499 Possible upload bug. davea Defect Major Undetermined Client - Daemon
#500 option to disallow login with account key davea Enhancement Major Undetermined Web - Project
#503 doesn't check which email to use davea Defect Major Undetermined Web - Project
#518 Project preferences will not update through AMS davea Defect Major Undetermined Account Manager System
#526 Build failure on Fedora 7 romw Defect Major 6.4 Client - Build
#527 tools/upgrade is broken davea Defect Major Undetermined Server - Setup
#529 Connection Issue davea Defect Major Undetermined Client - Daemon
#532 Vista Blocked startup programs romw Defect Major 6.0 Client - Setup
#533 Escaping user input properly, once and for all davea Defect Major Undetermined Web - Project
#537 ./boinc: symbol lookup error: ./boinc: undefined symbol: gzopen64 romw Defect Major 6.4 Client - Build
#542 Rewrite the description of the CPU throttle davea Enhancement Major Undetermined Client - Daemon
#543 Timed disable of networking can cause deadline misses davea Defect Major Undetermined Client - Scheduler Policy
#550 BOINC 6.1.8 graphics bugs. romw Defect Major 6.6 Client - Screen Saver
#560 Boinc Manager Freezes romw Defect Major 5.10 Manager
#565 Invalid properties in white.css davea Defect Major Undetermined Web - Forums
#566 Shutdown on next checkpoint Enhancement Major Undetermined Client - Daemon
#574 Please fix a bug, related to multiple tasks selection/deselection and its status in BOINC client romw Defect Major 5.10 Manager
#578 Venue is changed if the scheduler doesn't access the database davea Defect Major 6.2 Server - Scheduler
#589 [[Category:Memory Hard Drives]] romw Enhancement Major Undetermined Client - Setup
#591 Crash on LHC upload davea Defect Major 6.6 Client - Daemon
#596 Boinc Manager Unable to Connect to BOINC Client romw Defect Major 5.10 Manager
#626 "Broken" forum caching davea Defect Major Undetermined Web - Forums
#633 With scheduler restrictions in place, client loses information about the participant's team and resource share. davea Defect Major 6.2 Server - Scheduler
#653 How to remove project logo? romw Defect Major Undetermined Client - Screen Saver
#656 Project server crashed - client messed the computer location. davea Defect Major 6.2 Client - Scheduler Policy
#658 BOINC Manager segfaults on F9/x86_64 romw Defect Major Undetermined Manager
#678 BOINC Client 5.10.45 is not reporting COMPLETED TASKS to project servers within minutes and holds them in local task queue unsent extremely long! davea Defect Major Undetermined Client - Scheduler Policy
#680 boinc 5.10.45 wont suspend when battery linux davea Defect Major Undetermined Client - Daemon
#690 Laptop not suspending when running on batteries davea Defect Major Undetermined Client - Daemon
#694 Resizing std*dae.txt in cc_config.xml option broken. davea Defect Major 6.2 Client - Logging
#696 Clean install causes a reboot without warning. romw Defect Major 6.2 Client - Setup
#707 detect network availability davea Defect Major Undetermined Client - Daemon
#708 Web "" and CSS styles improvements davea Enhancement Major Undetermined Web - Project
#714 Vagueness with BOINC 6.2.14 version status Defect Major Undetermined Undetermined
#720 OS X Screensaver Problems Defect Major Undetermined Undetermined
#721 Better CPU Time Implementation davea Enhancement Major Undetermined Client - Daemon
#728 Add delay for reporting results and check for work upload to be finished davea Enhancement Major Undetermined Client - Scheduler Policy
#732 client does not respect <ram_max_used_busy_pct> setting davea Defect Major Undetermined Client - Documentation
#748 Accidental host merge lost 99 hours of work davea Defect Major 6.4 Web - Project
#756 Check installation procedure Defect Major 6.2 Undetermined
#758 Team Descriptions not updating. davea Defect Major Undetermined Web - Project
#759 add linux compile fixes for latest wxWidgets versions romw Defect Major Manager
#761 Orphaned spam profile selected as UOTD davea Defect Major Undetermined Web - Project
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