Custom Query (30 matches)


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Status: closed (30 matches)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Version Resolution
#574 Please fix a bug, related to multiple tasks selection/deselection and its status in BOINC client romw Defect Major 5.10.30 fixed
#596 Boinc Manager Unable to Connect to BOINC Client romw Defect Major 5.10.39 invalid
#560 Boinc Manager Freezes romw Defect Major 5.10.42 worksforme
#456 random crash of Linux graphic boincmgr when closing romw Defect Minor 5.10.43 fixed
#462 Linux BOINC Manager advanced not saving window size romw Defect Minor 5.10.43 fixed
#465 Simple View: Custom skin reverts back to default on reboot/log off romw Defect Minor 5.10.43 fixed
#210 5.9.12_windows_x86_64 on Vista64 Manager graphics problem romw Defect Major 5.9.12 fixed
#5 Connected to localhost(version) romw Defect Major fixed
#110 Simple GUI: "spacer" image is not updated romw Defect Blocker fixed
#146 Change BSG buttons place to top romw Defect Critical fixed
#187 Manager Refresh Rates Incorrect romw Defect Major fixed
#195 Segmentation fault on boinc manager 5.9.11 romw Defect Blocker fixed
#198 BOINC Manager wizards are broken on Linux romw Defect Blocker fixed
#199 BOINC Manager crashes on recent distros romw Defect Blocker duplicate
#207 HTML entities in BOINC Manager have to be decoded romw Defect Critical fixed
#221 v5.10.0 - Win64 - attach/syncronice AMS crash Manager. romw Defect Critical fixed
#241 BM Duplicate projects in attach wizard romw Defect Minor fixed
#269 client/stream.C - included error checking for malloc() realloc(), plus added free() davea Enhancement Undetermined duplicate
#284 Not able to see icons, graphics romw Defect Major invalid
#301 boicmgr messages panel copy problem romw Defect Minor wontfix
#352 Advanced Preferences shows wrong information. romw Defect Critical fixed
#388 Selecting Suspend from Activity menu sets Snooze checkmark in Taskbar icon's menu romw Defect Major fixed
#423 SVN revision reporting romw Enhancement Trivial wontfix
#427 Bug in "Sort by Deadline" romw Defect Minor duplicate
#432 Cannot start BOINC Manager from commandline romw Defect Major invalid
#434 Inconsistent icons romw Defect Minor fixed
#444 Missing charsets in FontSet creation romw Defect Minor fixed
#445 Fix internal processing of linked lists romw Defect Major fixed
#446 Deactivated graphics display romw Defect Minor invalid
#454 Incomplete dialog captions of "Attach to project..." and "Attach to account manager..." windows. romw Defect Trivial fixed
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.