Opened 18 years ago

Closed 18 years ago

#207 closed Defect (fixed)

HTML entities in BOINC Manager have to be decoded

Reported by: Christian Beer Owned by: romw
Priority: Critical Milestone: 5.10
Component: Manager Version:
Keywords: manager, UTF-8 Cc:


After the fix for #57 the names are sent to the manager with html encoded characters. These characters have to be decoded back to "human-viewable" ones. In php you can use html_entity_decode() but I don't know if there is a similar function within C++.

Change History (1)

comment:1 Changed 18 years ago by romw

Resolution: fixed
Status: newclosed

(In [12761]) - fixes #207 - HTML entities in BOINC Manager have to be decoded

BOINC Manager can now properly decode HTML entites for the following elements:

Projects Tab:

Project Name User Name Team Name

Work Tab:

Project Name Application Name

Transfers Tab:

Project Name

Messages Tab:

Project Name

Disk Tab:

Project Name

  • fixes #212 - Info in columns misaligned on switching views
  • Properly restore which tab view the user left from when going

to the advanced view from the simple view

  • Fix the problem that caused the manager to wait for 7 seconds

to display anything on initial startup.

  • Store the various Grid/List? persisted data seperately so that

the different header sizes don't cause problems.


AdvancedFrame?.cpp BOINCBaseView.cpp, .h BOINCGridCtrl.cpp ViewMessages?.cpp, .h ViewMessagesGrid?.cpp, .h ViewProjects?.cpp, .h ViewProjectsGrid?.cpp, .h ViewResources?.cpp, .h ViewStatistics?.cpp, .h ViewTransfers?.cpp, .h ViewTransfersGrid?.cpp, .h ViewWork?.cpp, .h ViewWorkGrid?.cpp, .h



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