Custom Query (27 matches)


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Status: closed (27 matches)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Version Resolution
#621 Result status "computation error" changes to status "complete" upon reboot/restart davea Defect Minor 5.10.45 fixed
#80 Provide a mechinism for a 64-bit client to express its ability to run 32-bit software for Windows romw Task Blocker fixed
#122 Windows benhcmark differences between VS 2003 and VS 2005 romw Defect Blocker fixed
#145 64bit daemon fails to run on longhorn server x64 romw Defect Blocker worksforme
#154 Refactor the alternate platform code in the client romw Defect Blocker fixed
#158 Problems and proposed solution in multi-platform schem davea Defect Blocker fixed
#230 64-bit Linux client fails to connect via HTTPS davea Defect Blocker fixed
#274 [error] State file error: duplicate app version: setiathome_enhanced windows_intelx86 513 davea Defect Minor fixed
#275 [error] State file error: duplicate app version: setiathome_enhanced windows_intelx86 513 davea Defect Minor duplicate
#283 segmentation fault davea Defect Major fixed
#287 memory segmentation fault while detaching from project in 5.10.7 davea Defect Undetermined duplicate
#288 Unable to shut down the client-daemon davea Defect Undetermined invalid
#294 Communication fails when using SOCKS proxy in version 5.10.x davea Defect Minor fixed
#343 Win32 Boinc 5.8 or 5.10 http/https proxy romw Defect Critical fixed
#363 Per-day time preferences work incorrectly davea Defect Major fixed
#364 Time zone reported incorrectly davea Defect Minor fixed
#367 Vista user activity malfunction romw Defect Major fixed
#368 trouble with the cisco vpn client and boinc on win xp davea Defect Trivial invalid
#411 VTU URL change causes BOINC client to crash davea Defect Critical wontfix
#429 Not able to use BOINC with corporate proxy romw Defect Blocker duplicate
#467 Error parsing the boinc_scheduler tag from master files davea Defect Major fixed
#480 BOINC Client does not kill jobs which have reached rsc_fpops_bound davea Defect Undetermined worksforme
#498 Message "Another instance of BOINC is running" davea Defect Minor worksforme
#510 Snooze does not continue through a restart of BOINC. davea Defect Minor wontfix
#511 Daemon crashes when detaching from project with anonymous platform davea Defect Critical fixed
#164 Aborting a Task romw Defect Major fixed
#312 data transfer speed values are zero davea Defect Trivial invalid
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.