Opened 16 years ago

Last modified 16 years ago

#800 new Defect

OS 10.5.5, Safari 3.1.2, BOINC 6.2.18. BOINC computing and Safari open. Closing laptop lid hangs machine

Reported by: 39mars Owned by: charlief
Priority: Minor Milestone: Undetermined
Component: Client - Daemon Version: 6.2.18
Keywords: mac safari hang laptop Cc:


Using OS 10.5.5, Safari 3.1.2, BOINC 6.2.18. With Safari running, and BOINC computing, closing and then re-opening the lid of my laptop causes the machine to hang. Screen is black and completely unresponsive. This occurs every time I have tried it. Shutting down by pushing button and then rebooting is the only fix I have found. It looks as though no BOINC computation data is lost. I have searched the OS, Safari and BOINC logs for some hints, and I do not find anything.

The scenario described above is the only one I have been able to find that hangs. Permutations that _do_not_ hang the machine are as follows. These are all with both BOINC and Safari running. I have found no other applications which cause the issue: 1) Snooze BOINC. Close and open lid. Computer wakes. 2) BOINC running or snoozed. Select sleep from the apple menu. Close and open lid. Computer wakes

Finally, of course, if I quit Safari with BOINC running and close/open, there is no hang. One additional test was that I quit Safari and opened Firefox. Closed/opened with no hang.

So, it seems to be a Safari/BOINC interaction problem.

This is not a huge issue as long as you remember to either quit Safari or snooze BOINC before closing the laptop, but failing that, the reboot and potentially lost data from other apps is something of an issue. Of course if you need logs, etc that you need to look over, please let me know. Thank you for your time.

-Scott Doudrick

Change History (1)

comment:1 Changed 16 years ago by Ageless

Component: UndeterminedClient - Daemon
Owner: set to charlief
Priority: UndeterminedMinor
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