Opened 16 years ago

Last modified 16 years ago

#757 new Enhancement

History of team's users

Reported by: Pepo Owned by: davea
Priority: Undetermined Milestone: Undetermined
Component: Web - Project Version:
Keywords: teams Cc: Pepo


During and after the recent team hijack affair, a few ideas were said about how this could be prevented (among others, here, here, here, here, here and elsewhere). One of them was to create some publicly visible place containing the history of team's users and founders and their names.

I've noticed that such Team history page actually already exists, although not publicly visible, just for team admins (and possibly project admins, in case of problems or accident). These tables could be made publicly visible, because the team user data are already exported to statistics sites and nearly the same lists can be built over time. (Nearly.)

This page stores the users' join/leave history and currently looks like:

Team history for MyOwnTeam

WhenUserActionTotal credit at time of action
18 Aug 2008 17:32:56 UTC (ID 1452)joined0
10 Oct 2008 15:11:01 UTC (ID 1452)quit0
14 Nov 2008 22:37:04 UTCPepo (ID 1063)quit13 752.23

My proposal is to modify Team history page as following: Add one additional column (also into the database) named Initiator, which would hold the ID of person, responsible for someone quitting a team: if the user went on his own, there would be his ID, if the team founder kicked him off as inactive member, the founder's ID would go there.

(There were social features' proposals for letting a newcomer credit someone for having him join a team - such user would have the opportunity to name the inviting user and his name would be logged in the table as Initiator as well.)

One of the most vocal requests were for storing the ID of users, who requested team ownership transfers and especially those, who took it over (or were assigned a founder).

Team history for MyOwnTeam

WhenUserActionInitiatorTotal credit at time of action
18 Aug 2008 17:32:56 UTC (ID 1452)joined0
10 Oct 2008 15:11:01 UTC (ID 1452)quitPepo (ID 1063)0
12 Oct 2008 13:15:22 UTC Ageless (ID 8)joinedPepo (ID 1063)8 433.56
13 Oct 2008 23:10:54 UTC Ageless (ID 8)takeover requested8 653.96
12 Nov 2008 23:10:54 UTC Ageless (ID 8)tookover8 986.32
14 Nov 2008 22:37:04 UTCPepo (ID 1063)quitPepo (ID 1063)13 752.23

Last but not least, it would be nice to additionally store then-valid users' names as text strings, not just their IDs (this way an additional event of team being renamed could be logged here too), but this would possibly inflate the tables in database. Although not that much...

Displayed user names and events are (mostly) imaginary and do not necessarily mirror real users or events.

Change History (2)

comment:1 Changed 16 years ago by davea

This is a good idea, to use the team_delta table to store all events related to the team, and to make it publicly visible. I don't have time to do it right now, but it should be fairly easy; can someone send me a patch?

comment:2 Changed 16 years ago by jbk

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