Custom Query (17 matches)


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Resolution: fixed (15 matches)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Component Version
#9 The balloon tooltip behaves oddly. romw Defect Blocker Manager
#681 max_cpus preference ignored. davea Defect Blocker Client - Daemon 6.2.6
#691 Message from server: Incomplete request received davea Defect Blocker Client - Daemon 6.2.11
#774 Compilation error: conversion from 'const char [53]' to 'const wxString' is ambiguous romw Defect Blocker Client - Build 6.2.27
#705 Broadband fault causes BOINC 6.2.14 crash davea Defect Critical Client - Daemon 6.2.14
#578 Venue is changed if the scheduler doesn't access the database davea Defect Major Server - Scheduler 5.10.45
#633 With scheduler restrictions in place, client loses information about the participant's team and resource share. davea Defect Major Server - Scheduler 5.10.45
#656 Project server crashed - client messed the computer location. davea Defect Major Client - Scheduler Policy 6.2.1
#694 Resizing std*dae.txt in cc_config.xml option broken. davea Defect Major Client - Logging 6.2.11
#696 Clean install causes a reboot without warning. romw Defect Major Client - Setup 6.2.12
#685 Change solution of account key problem. davea Enhancement Minor Client - Daemon 5.10.45
#586 Alt-tab shows dummy icon for BOINC Manager romw Defect Trivial Manager 6.2.4
#644 Change scheduler request succeeded notice davea Enhancement Trivial Client - Scheduler Policy 6.2.1
#664 Suppress <project_specific> XML, please davea Enhancement Trivial Client - Logging 6.2.2
#654 CPU time and progress bar not being updated in BOINC GUI. davea Defect Undetermined Client - Daemon 6.2.2

Resolution: invalid (1 match)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Component Version
#756 Check installation procedure Defect Major Undetermined 6.2.19

Resolution: wontfix (1 match)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Component Version
#570 file transfers remain in list for some time after completion davea Enhancement Trivial Manager
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.