Opened 17 years ago

Closed 17 years ago

Last modified 16 years ago

#705 closed Defect (fixed)

Broadband fault causes BOINC 6.2.14 crash

Reported by: Thyme Lawn Owned by: davea
Priority: Critical Milestone: 6.2
Component: Client - Daemon Version: 6.2.14
Keywords: network Cc:


An exchange hardware fault caused my (always on) broadband connection to drop last night. BOINC 6.2.14 (protected install on XP and Vista) had stopped running on both systems when I checked them this morning.

Looking at stdoutdae.txt it's clear that BOINC didn't detect the network failure and everything was fine as long as it was only attempting scheduler requests. As soon as an upload was added into the equation it crashed.

Here's a scheduler request from stdoutdae.txt after the connection had failed:

29-Jul-2008 00:50:08 [CPDN Beta] Sending scheduler request: To send trickle-up message.  Requesting 0 seconds of work, reporting 0 completed tasks
29-Jul-2008 00:50:11 [---] Project communication failed: attempting access to reference site
29-Jul-2008 00:50:12 [---] Internet access OK - project servers may be temporarily down.
29-Jul-2008 00:50:13 [CPDN Beta] Scheduler request failed: Server returned nothing (no headers, no data)

Note that the reference site check is being made before the scheduler request has failed and is being marked as successful.

The trickle-up and reference file check was retried 9 times before the following sequence when boinc.exe crashed ('normal' scheduler requests take priority over trickle-ups):

29-Jul-2008 02:51:10 [] Computation for task wu_133_524_149170_0_1217280246_0 finished
29-Jul-2008 02:51:10 [] Sending scheduler request: To fetch work.  Requesting 818 seconds of work, reporting 1 completed tasks
29-Jul-2008 02:51:12 [---] Project communication failed: attempting access to reference site
29-Jul-2008 02:51:12 [] Started upload of wu_133_524_149170_0_1217280246_0_0

BOINC Windows Runtime Debugger didn't generate any stack traces on the XP system but on the Vista system the trace in stderrdae.txt indicates that the crash was in the libcurl function curl_multi_remove_handle():

BOINC Windows Runtime Debugger Version 6.2.14

Dump Timestamp    : 07/29/08 02:51:13
Debugger Engine   :
*** Dump of thread ID 44492 (state: Waiting): ***

- Information -
Status: Wait Reason: UserRequest, , Kernel Time: 87828560.000000, User Time: 71604456.000000, Wait Time: 19143612.000000

- Unhandled Exception Record -
Reason: Access Violation (0xc0000005) at address 0x0016D9FC read attempt to address 0x27273D84

- Registers -
eax=01e40278 ebx=00d3fe00 ecx=00d3fe00 edx=00001caa esi=27273d74 edi=00000000
eip=0016d9fc esp=0129fda0 ebp=0129fe6c
cs=001b  ss=0023  ds=0023  es=0023  fs=003b  gs=0000             efl=00010206

- Callstack -
ChildEBP RetAddr  Args to Child
0129fe6c 0040c86f 00468c18 00000000 3fc68730 7554eab9 libcurl!curl_multi_remove_handle+0x0 
0129fef0 00431e51 00000000 3fc68730 76cae0c5 00000000 boinc!+0x0 
0129ff68 0043b467 00000000 001d19a0 76cad1da 00000001 boinc!+0x0 
0129ff88 75854911 001d19a0 0129ffd4 76fce4b6 001d19a0 boinc!+0x0 
0129ff94 76fce4b6 001d19a0 7dc5be09 00000000 00000000 kernel32!BaseThreadInitThunk+0x0 
0129ffd4 76fce489 76cad1b9 001d19a0 00000000 00000000 ntdll!RtlInitializeExceptionChain+0x0 
0129ffec 00000000 76cad1b9 001d19a0 00000000 43534552 ntdll!RtlInitializeExceptionChain+0x0 

While I was waiting for the faulty line card to be replaced I tried to get BOINC running again on both systems. Shortly after network operations started all tasks stopped running with heartbeat failures:

No heartbeat from core client for 31 sec - exiting
CPDN Monitor - No 'heartbeat' from BOINC...

Tasks could only be kept running by suspending networking until the exchange problem was fixed.

Change History (5)

comment:1 Changed 17 years ago by Nicolas

Milestone: Undetermined6.2

comment:2 Changed 17 years ago by chris49

Maybe we have to change to newest libcurl version.

curl changelog

Fixed in 7.18.1 - March 30 2008

"When using the multi interface and a handle is removed while still having a transfer going on, the connection is now closed by force"

comment:3 Changed 17 years ago by Thyme Lawn

After intensive investigation I've worked out what's going wrong; it's a buffer overrun in HTTP_OP_SET::got_select(). File upload uses HTTP_OP::init_post2(), with the working buffer FILE_XFER::header[4096] being used to store the HTTP messages in memory.

When the broadband link goes down my router responds to every HTTP request with HTTP/1.1 303 See Other, redirecting the request to the router's link fault recovery instructions. cURL writes that page to a temporary file, which line 1049 of http_curl.C reads into the working buffer. The number of bytes read is the size of the temporary file. In this case that's 5887 bytes, which causes an overrun of 793 bytes.

The req1 parameter passed to fread() is the buffer pointer passed to HTTP_OP::init_post2(). Although that implies that the buffer size is variable, in practice the buffer is always FILE_XFER::header, so changing the maximum number of bytes read to 4095 would prevent the overrun. I've tested the patch below, but a more correct fix would be to use the buffer size passed as an additional parameter to init_post2().

Index: http_curl.C
--- http_curl.C	(revision 15671)
+++ http_curl.C	(working copy)
@@ -1036,6 +1036,10 @@
             // read in the temp file into req1 memory
             size_t dSize = ftell(hop->fileOut);
+            if (dSize > 4095) {
+                // ensure the fread() below doesn't overrun the buffer.
+                dSize = 4095;
+            }
             retval = fseek(hop->fileOut, 0, SEEK_SET);
             if (retval) {
                 // flag as a bad response for a possible retry later

comment:4 Changed 17 years ago by davea

Resolution: fixed
Status: newclosed

(In [15744]) - client: fix crash in this scenario:

A file upload sends request. The network is down, and something (e.g. a router) sends a long (> 4KB) error page. This overruns the 4KB buffer of HTTP_OP::req1. Solution: keep track of the size of the buffer, and don't overrun it. Also move the body of a huge for loop into a separate function. From Ian Hay. Fixes #705

comment:5 Changed 17 years ago by romw

(In [15862]) - client: fix crash in this scenario:

A file upload sends request. The network is down, and something (e.g. a router) sends a long (> 4KB) error page. This overruns the 4KB buffer of HTTP_OP::req1. Solution: keep track of the size of the buffer, and don't overrun it. Also move the body of a huge for loop into a separate function. From Ian Hay. Fixes #705


file_xfer.C http_curl.C,h

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