Opened 17 years ago

Closed 17 years ago

Last modified 16 years ago

#570 closed Enhancement (wontfix)

file transfers remain in list for some time after completion

Reported by: Eric Myers Owned by: davea
Priority: Trivial Milestone: 6.2
Component: Manager Version:
Keywords: file transfer Cc:


The purpose of the Transfers tab is to show file transfers, both from server to client and from client to server. It's certainly useful to see things waiting or in progress, but it would also be useful to see what files were recently transfered, even after the transfer is completed.

I'd therefore like to suggest that all transfers be kept in the list for an hour after they complete. (The interval could be configurable, or other limits could also apply, but you get the general idea.)

Change History (5)

comment:1 Changed 17 years ago by Ageless

Milestone: Undetermined6.2
Priority: UndeterminedTrivial

comment:2 Changed 17 years ago by Nicolas

Interesting... I'm thinking on how to implement this.

Option 1: Make the manager keep around file transfers on the GUI even after they have disappeared from the GUI RPC replies. Disadvantages: If you connect to a remote client, you won't see transfers done before you connected. A very short transfer that happens completely between two RPC requests would be missed by the manager.

Option 2: Make the client keep around file transfers and send them on GUI RPC replies even after they have finished. Would need some deliberately incompatible way to send them, so that addons or older managers don't show them. Disadvantages: Changed protocol. Harder to configure the interval (it should be a GUI setting). From an "architecturally-correct" viewpoint, it should be all handled by the GUI, since it's a user interface feature really.

I can think of ways that don't have these disadvantages but mean a whole new GUI RPC protocol.

comment:3 in reply to:  2 Changed 17 years ago by Pepo

Replying to Nicolas:

Option 1: [...]

Exactly this happens on BoincView? with the list of finished results.

Option 2: Make the client keep around file transfers and send them on GUI RPC replies even after they have finished. Would need some deliberately incompatible way to send them, so that addons or older managers don't show them.

The client could (separately) maintain the list (last n transfers or kBytes of log) and propagate it over GUI RPC the same way as it maintains the normal message log.

Disadvantages: Changed protocol.

Just newly added items to the protocol, which could be silently ignored by "unaware" addons?

comment:4 Changed 17 years ago by romw

Owner: changed from romw to davea

comment:5 Changed 17 years ago by davea

Resolution: wontfix
Status: newclosed

the message log shows completed file xfers

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