Custom Query (13 matches)


Show under each result:

Ticket Summary Status Owner Type Priority Milestone
#1107 GUI Glitch - Actions on 2+ selected rows appear to leave every other row unselected new romw Defect Undetermined Undetermined
#1111 job_log and computation errors new davea Enhancement Undetermined Undetermined
#1228 boinc not downloading tasks in openSUSE 12.1-12.2 32-bit new davea Defect Undetermined Undetermined
#1091 In Simple View, after adding an Account Manager, the "Add Project" button should change to "Synchronize", as it would be if entering Simple View with an Account Manager already added new romw Defect Trivial Undetermined
#1092 In Simple View, the Pause button should be called "Snooze" (for consistency, and because it does not stop network activity), and the tooltip should say "Temporarily stop work". new romw Defect Trivial Undetermined
#1093 In Simple View, buttons should show translations, like the tooltips new romw Enhancement Minor Undetermined
#1094 BOINC does not always launch a second graphics window when "Show graphics" is clicked on a project's second task (RNA World) new romw Defect Minor Undetermined
#1095 Removing an upload/download rate preference does not return speeds to maximum for in-progress uploads/downloads new romw Defect Minor Undetermined
#1100 KB/sec preferences show different values between Web Preferences and Manager new romw Defect Minor Undetermined
#1101 Web Preferences - Clarify requirements and ranges new davea Enhancement Minor Undetermined
#1102 Preferences - Some supported Manager preferences are missing UI new romw Defect Minor Undetermined
#1103 Preferences - "Leave tasks in memory while suspended?", when unset, should remove previously-suspended tasks from memory new davea Defect Minor Undetermined
#1104 Memory Preference "Use at most x%" should remove previously-suspended applications from memory if needed new davea Defect Minor Undetermined
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.