Opened 14 years ago

Last modified 14 years ago

#1104 new Defect

Memory Preference "Use at most x%" should remove previously-suspended applications from memory if needed

Reported by: JacobKlein Owned by: davea
Priority: Minor Milestone: Undetermined
Component: Client - Daemon Version: 6.10.60
Keywords: Suspend Memory Preference Cc: Jacob_W_Klein@…


Found this on a machine with limited memory.  It is a Windows 7 x86 laptop with 2GB.

My settings were: Use 50% memory when computer in use, Use 100% memory when computer is idle, Leave applications in memory

At one point, I got a task that took 1.5 GB of memory, and another that took 300 MB.  So, if I wasn't using the laptop, BOINC was free to run them both, and it would pretty much take up all the memory.

However, when I started using the laptop, I noticed that memory was not being freed up for me.  Both tasks stayed in memory, even though I had a preference that said Use 50% memory when computer is in use. This made the laptop very unusable.

Another thing I believe I noticed is that, if applications had been suspended to memory because they were cycled out by scheduling periods, BOINC would not remove them from memory to make room for running applications. This may be a feature to preserve work for tasks that didn't have a checkpoint recently, I'm not sure.  It felt wrong though.

BOINC should count previously-suspended applications as part of the total memory %... and it should remove previously-suspended applications from memory if needed, to meet a % memory limitation.

Change History (1)

comment:1 in reply to:  description Changed 14 years ago by Pepo

Replying to JacobKlein:

This may be a feature to preserve work for tasks that didn't have a checkpoint recently, I'm not sure.  It felt wrong though.

You can make sure by comparing the task's CPU time with its "CPU time at last checkpoint". The threshold time is I believe 10 seconds.

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