Opened 14 years ago

Last modified 14 years ago

#1095 new Defect

Removing an upload/download rate preference does not return speeds to maximum for in-progress uploads/downloads

Reported by: JacobKlein Owned by: romw
Priority: Minor Milestone: Undetermined
Component: Manager Version: 6.10.60
Keywords: Upload Download Preference Speed Cc: Jacob_W_Klein@…


If I change a download rate preference to something like 5KB/sec, I can see the speed drop down to match it.

However, if I then clear the preference (or type 0.00 in it), BOINC appears to keep the speed at 5KB/sec unless I restart BOINC.

If I change the preference to something like 9999 before restarting BOINC, I can see the speeds resume.

Essentially, the mechanism that sets BOINC to max speed is not being restored when a speed limit preference is removed.

Change History (1)

comment:1 Changed 14 years ago by JacobKlein

Summary: Removing an upload/download rate preference does not immediately return speeds to maximumRemoving an upload/download rate preference does not return speeds to maximum for in-progress uploads/downloads

To clarify, it does not resume maximum speed for the downloads/uploads already in progress.  It will use maximum speed for other new downloads/uploads.

So, essentially, I'm asking that the maximum speed setting be set on downloads/uploads that are in progress.

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