
The 2018 BOINC Workshop

A workshop on BOINC and volunteer computing will be held 24-27 July 2018 at the University of Oxford.

The objective of this workshop is to share information about BOINC and projects using it, through presentations and informal discussions, in an open and friendly atmosphere. The workshop aims to stimulate new developments and activities related to volunteer computing, and to guide the future development of BOINC.

The workshop is for researchers, scientists and developers with significant experience or interest in BOINC. Possible topics include:

  • Privacy, security, and EU-GDPR
  • The BOINC community software development process
  • VM and Docker applications
  • Integration with hubs, clouds, grids, and desktop grids
  • Multi-user projects and remote job submission
  • Integration with virtual currency and game-playing systems

Participants are invited to present and discuss their work in a 20-30 minute talk. Slides will be published on the web, but there will be no papers or proceedings.


The workshop is free but attendance is limited. If you are interested in attending, or have any questions, please contact David Anderson, indicating your areas of interest.


The workshop will be held at

Oxford e-Research Centre
Department of Engineering Science
University of Oxford
7 Keble Road, Oxford, OX1 3QG.

[Information on transportation and lodging]


Tuesday 24 July - Feedback from projects

Wednesday 25 July - Technology

Thursday 26 July

  • 9:00 - 9:30: Choose breakout session topics
  • 9:30 - 12:00: Breakout sessions; identify hackfest ideas
  • 12:00 - 13:00: Presentations from breakout sessions


  • 14:00-18:00: Hackfest (small-group tutorial or development activities)

Friday 27 July

  • 10:00 - 17:00: Riverside walk to Eynsham

Possible hackfest topics

  • How to upgrade server code when you have mods
  • Credit
  • Unit and end-to-end tests.
  • OpenCL apps on Android
  • Tutorial on porting apps to Android.
  • Tutorial on deploying VM apps.
  • Improve diagnostic tools for VM apps.
  • Discuss how to reduce client impact; e.g. figure out how to suspend computing while a movie is playing.
  • Brainstorm on the Android GUI.
  • Login with Google/Facebook

Attendees (tentative)

(Please note this is not an exhaustive list due to GDPR but includes participants who have given permission for their name and institution to be listed on this website).

  1. Kevin Reed, IBM - World Community Grid
  2. Macauley Lynch, The Innovation Grid
  3. Richard Haselgrove, BOINC
  4. Philip Fowler, University of Oxford
  5. Keith Uplinger, World Community Grid
  6. J Hindo, IBM World Community Grid
  7. Maximilian Weigel, blocklink AG
  8. Ilia Chernov, Inst Applied Math KRC RAS
  9. Lorenz Langgartner, Serviceplan
  10. Christian Beer, e.V.
  11. Bernd Machenschalk, Albert Einstein Institute
  12. Patrick Schoefer, SETI.Germany
  13. Matthew Blumberg, GridRepublic? / Charity Engine
  14. David Anderson, UC Berkeley
  15. Marius Millea, Institut Lagrange de Paris
  16. Pete Finn, Associate OVADA arts
  17. Steven Clark, Purdue University
  18. Tristan Olive, GridRepublic
  19. Ivan Reid, Brunel University london
  20. Mark McAndrew, Charity Engine
  21. Sarah Sparrow, University of Oxford
Last modified 7 years ago Last modified on Aug 7, 2018, 8:03:29 AM

Attachments (21)