The 7th BOINC Workshop
A workshop on BOINC and volunteer computing will be held 18-19 August 2011 in Hannover, Germany.
The objective of this workshop is to share information about BOINC and projects using it, through short presentations and informal discussions, in a relaxed, open and friendly atmosphere. The workshop aims to stimulate new developments and activities related to volunteer computing, and to guide the future development of BOINC.
The workshop is for researchers, scientists and developers with significant experience or interest in BOINC. Areas of interest include:
- GPU and multi-thread applications; CUDA and OpenCL
- Virtual machines as application container
- Multi-user projects
- Remote job submission
- Integration with hubs, clouds, grids, and desktop grids
- OpenID
All participants will have the opportunity to present and discuss their work. Slides will be published on the web, but there will be no papers or proceedings.
The workshop will be co-located with a meeting of the International Desktop Grid Federation (IDGF), which will take place from 14:00 to 18:00 on 17 August. Workshop participants are encouraged to consider attending this as well.
The workshop will be held at the Max Planck Institute for Gravitational Physics in Hannover, Germany. Directions are here. Warning: The Max Planck Institute for Gravitational Physics has TWO locations, one in Hannover and one in Golm (near Berlin). Do NOT travel to the Golm location for this meeting, or you'll find yourself 200km away from where you should be.
If you're traveling by car, be aware that driving within Hannover requires an "environmental badge". More info here.
A list of hotels is here.
The workshop is free but attendance is limited. If you are interested in attending, or have any questions, please contact David Anderson, indicating your areas of interest.
Remote Participation
You can participate remotely by visiting the following website:
- Register an account
- Click on "Start EVO" to download/start the client.
- Log in to EVO
- select the following meeting in "Universe": 7th Multiversal BOINC Workshop (Password: AEI2011)
The workshop will consist of two activities:
- Talks: All participants are encouraged to give a short (~15 min) talk describing their activities and plans related to volunteer computing. These talks do not have to be polished or present results. Please send your talk title to David Anderson.
- Hackfest: On the 2nd day of the workshop we'll divide into small groups, each of which will try to advance some aspect of BOINC. All attendees should sign up for one or more groups, and should come prepared to contribute. More Hackfest info.
18 Aug
- 9:00 - 10:00
- Bruce Allen: Introductory remarks
- David Anderson: BOINC status report
- 10:00 - 10:40
- Benjamin Knispel: One year of finding new radio pulsars with Einstein@Home
- Kevin Reed: An Update on World Community Grid
- 11:00-13:00
- David Coss: Grid Computing at St Jude Children's Research Hospital
- Jesse Kaukonen: The project
- Andy Bowery, Erwan Keribin, Neil Massey: CPDN status report
- Simon Wilson, UK Met Office: Multi-processor Climate Models in
- Robert Lovas: The first year of DEGISCO: hybrid infrastructure and new applications based on BOINC
- Torbjoern Klatt: status report
- 14:00 - 15:40
- Ben Segal: Early experience with CERN's Volunteer Cloud
- Peter Hanappe: Low-power volunteer computing
- Henrik Schnell, Gábor Molnár: GridBee Web Computing Framework: scientific computing in browsers
- Hien Nguyen: Volpex: Parallel execution in a volunteer environment
- Ian Kelley, U. of Cardiff: The Attic distributed file system
- 16:00 - 18:00 talks
- Christian Benjamin Ries: Visu@lGrid : A Model Driven Engineering Approach for BOINC
- Evgeny Ivashko: Cloud service of mathematical computations based on desktop grid
- Natalia Nikitina: Web-based interface to desktop grid computing resources
- Peter Kacsuk: Enable the use of BOINC for new communities - the IDGF experience
- Pablo Fonseca: Legion: An extensible lightweight web framework for easy BOINC task submission, monitoring and result retrieval using web services
- Dario Ferrer: BOINC Balanced Multi Server Environment
- 19:30 workshop dinner
- venue: Bolero English menu (directions)
19 Aug
- 9:00 - 15:00 Hackfest
- 15:30 - 18:00 Presentation and discussion of hackfest results
- Bader Ajrab, Alquds University - Palestine
- Bruce Allen, Max Planck Institute
- David Anderson, UC Berkeley
- Artur Andrzejak, Ruprecht-Karls-University of Heidelberg
- Oscar Díaz Barriga, Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
- Uwe Beckert, e.V.
- Christian Beer, e.V.
- Oliver Bock, Max Planck Institute
- Andy Bowery, Oxford
- Francisco Brasiliero (AKA Fubica), UFCG
- David Coss, St. Jude Children's Research Hospital
- Grid Computing at St Jude Children's Research Hospital
- Heinz-Bernd Eggenstein, Einstein@home volunteer developer
- Zoltan Farkas, SZTAKI
- Dario Ferrer, U. of Zaragoza
- BOINC Balanced Multi Server Environment
- Pablo Fonseca, Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
- Legion: An extensible lightweight web framework for easy BOINC task submission, monitoring and result retrieval using web services
- Peter Hanappe, Sony Research
- Low-power volunteer computing
- Thomas Hilbig, University of Applied Sciences Bielefeld
- Evgeny Ivashko, Russian Academy of Sciences
- Cloud service of mathematical computations based on desktop grid
- Peter Kacsuk, SZTAKI
- Enable the use of BOINC for new communities - the IDGF experience
- Jesse Kaukonen, Laurea University of Applied Sciences, Finland
- The project
- Ian Kelley, U. of Cardiff
- Erwan Keribin, CPDN
- Torbjoern Klatt, e.V.
- status report
- Benjamin Knispel, Max Planck Institute
- One year of finding new radio pulsars with Einstein@Home
- Derrick Kondo, INRIA
- Arnaud Legrand, INRIA
- Robert Lovas, SZTAKI
- The first year of DEGISCO: hybrid infrastructure and new applications based on BOINC
- Bernd Machenschalk, Max Planck Institute
- Neil Massey Oxford
- Mark McAndrew, The Charity Engine
- Juanjo Molinero, Ibercivis
- Steffen Möller, University of Lübeck
- Henrik Schnell, IIT Budapest
- Gábor Molnár, IIT Budapest
- GridBee? Web Computing Framework: scientific computing in browsers
- Hien Nguyen, Univ. of Houston
- Volpex: Parallel execution in a volunteer environment
- Natalia Nikitina, Russian Academy of Sciences
- Web-based interface to desktop grid computing resources
- Mikhail Posypkin, ISA RAS (Russia)
- Kevin Reed, IBM
- An Update on World Community Grid
- Christian Benjamin Ries, University of Applied Sciences, Bielefeld
- Visu@lGrid : A Model Driven Engineering Approach for BOINC
- Patricia Santos, Ibercivis
- Francisco Sanz, Ibercivis
- Ben Segal, CERN
- Early experience with CERN's Volunteer Cloud
- Oleg Sukhoroslov, ISA RAS (Russia)
- Michael Tarantino, Univ. of Basel
- Keith Upplinger, IBM
- Rom Walton, UC Berkeley
- Simon Wilson, UK Met Office
- Multi-processor Climate Models in
Before and after
The day after the workshop (i.e., Sat 20 Aug) a group of us hiked up the Brocken in the Harz mountains. Some pictures are here.
David Anderson will be in Hannover from Mon 15 Aug through Mon 22 Aug, and will be available for additional discussion and/or hacking. Send him email to reserve time.
The IDGF meeting
The tentative program for the IDGF meeting is:
More information and slides can be found on
Session 1: IDGF and Desktop Grid Systems 14:00-14:25 P. Kacsuk: Introduction to International Desktop Grid Federation (IDGF) 14:25-14:50 R. Lovas: The IDGF Road Map 14:50-15:10 D. Anderson: A Road Map for Volunteer Computing in the U.S. 15:10-15:45 F. Brasileiro: OurGrid and IDGF 15:45- 16:15 Coffee Break Session 2: Success Stories 16:15 . 16:30 German DG presentation 16:30 . 16:45 Russian DG presentation 16:45 . 17:00 Univ. of Westminster Local DG and its role in IDGF 17:00 . 17:15 IberCivis and IDGF 17:15- 18:00 Panel session Joint Dinner (self-paid)
Attachments (16)
HowToFindTheDinnerPlace.pdf (251.9 KB) - added by 14 years ago.
How to find the Dinner place "Bolero"
- Ben_Segal_BOINC_Wkshop_2011.pdf (496.0 KB) - added by 14 years ago.
- David_Coss_boinc_workshop_2011.pdf (498.3 KB) - added by 14 years ago.
- BOINC_WS11_Knispel.pdf (2.3 MB) - added by 14 years ago.
- BW2011.WorldCommunityGrid.KevinReed.v1.pdf (607.2 KB) - added by 14 years ago.
- GridBee.pdf (9.5 MB) - added by 14 years ago.
- Talk_BOINC-Workshop_2011_SlidesShort.pdf (269.7 KB) - added by 14 years ago.
multi_server_envoronment_ibercivis.odp (3.8 MB) - added by 14 years ago.
Ibercivis presentation about load balancing
DEGISCO_BOINC_WORKSHOP_v1.pdf (3.8 MB) - added by 14 years ago.
Robert Lovas - The first year of DEGISCO: hybrid infrastructure and new applications based on BOINC
- anderson.pdf (1.5 MB) - added by 14 years ago.
- Legion_Boinc_Workshop11.pdf (1.6 MB) - added by 14 years ago.
BOINC Workshop Presentation.pdf (16.8 MB) - added by 14 years ago.
Presentation about by Jesse Kaukonen. Original version at sliderocket at
- WebInterfaceDesktopGrid.pdf (227.5 KB) - added by 14 years ago.
- Volpex-ParallelExecutionInAVolunteerEnvironment.pdf (718.3 KB) - added by 14 years ago.
- Attic-Data-Network-For-BOINC.pdf (2.0 MB) - added by 13 years ago.
BOINC_workshop_IDGF_Kacsuk_talk_v3.pdf (4.2 MB) - added by 13 years ago.
Peter Kacsuk: Enable the use of BOINC for new communities - the IDGF experience