
Contribute to BOINC

There are several areas in which you can contribute to BOINC.

Each area has its own communication channel (typically an email list). If you want to contribute in an area, please read the email list to get an idea of what is involved.

In some areas, your contributions are evaluated by committers before being used. If you make a lot of good contributions, you can ask to become a committer yourself. Do so by posting to the area's email list.


Help develop, maintain, and debug BOINC. Various technical skills (C++, PHP, CSS, SQL, WxWidgets) are required for different parts of BOINC; details are here.

The BOINC source code is maintained in Github.

Use the boinc_dev email list for discussion, and the Github issue tracking system for specific bugs and feature requests.
To contribute
Submit patches (either via Github, or email diffs to boinc_dev).
David Anderson, Rytis Slatkevicius, Christian Beer, Nicolas Alvarez, Eric Korpela.


Help test new versions of BOINC.

Use the boinc_alpha email list, and the Github issue tracking system. The boinc_alpha list is where new versions (for testing) are announced.
To contribute
The best way to contribute is by joining the BOINC Alpha Test project. You can also submit bug reports on Github.
David Anderson, Christian Beer.


Use the boinc_doc Google group.
To contribute
Review, update, improve, and extend the BOINC documentation. Although both user and project documentation are in Wiki form, they're not publicly editable because of problems with spammers. You can send revisions to a committer.
David Anderson, Jord van der Elst, Christian Beer.


Many parts of BOINC are translatable: the BOINC Manager and Android GUI, the BOINC web site, the generic part of BOINC project sites, and the project-specific part of some project's web sites. You can volunteer to translate this text into non-English languages.

Use the boinc_loc email list.
To contribute
Post a request on the email list to do translation for a language of your choice.


You can provide "customer support" to new BOINC participants: answering their questions about volunteer computing and the various BOINC-based projects, helping them download and install BOINC, and helping them fix whatever problems they encounter. There are two customer support systems: the message boards on the BOINC web site, and an online system where users can contact you personally via Skype or email.

Use the BOINC message boards, and the boinc_helpers email list.
To contribute
You can jump right in by answering questions on the BOINC message boards. If you're willing to provide online (one on one) support, register to be a BOINC help volunteer.
The moderators on the BOINC message boards are Jord van der Elst, Christian Beer and Kathryn Marks.
Last modified 8 years ago Last modified on Jan 30, 2017, 10:38:45 PM