Opened 16 years ago

Last modified 16 years ago

#857 new Defect

BOINC Advanced GUI accessibility - larger text size option for visually impaired

Reported by: mo.v Owned by: romw
Priority: Minor Milestone: Undetermined
Component: Manager Version: 6.4.5
Keywords: Cc:


I originally brought up this topic in July 2007 on Trac ticket

User Lightsttn1 who has somewhat impaired eyesight asked twice on the BOINC development forum for an option to increase the text size to be made available in the BM Advanced GUI.

The Windows XP magnification tool, which I have tried in XP, works with the Boinc Manager but is inconvenient to use because a) the magnified view only occupies half of the screen and b) the minimum magnification it permits (level 1) is x4 which for some people is too much. With it one only sees one-eighth of the BM at any time.

I know that screen readers can now be used to view Boinc Manager. However, many people have impaired eyesight that is not bad enough to require a screen reader. As the proportion of older people in the population increases, so will the number of BOINC users so affected.

The font size in the Boinc Manager is of necessity pretty small. Would it be possible to create an option to view the BM in text one or two points larger? I realise that this would necessitate the use of the scroll bars, but they're already there.

Change History (2)

comment:1 Changed 16 years ago by Ageless

Component: UndeterminedManager
Milestone: Undetermined6.10
Owner: set to romw
Priority: UndeterminedMinor

Setting milestone to 6.10, agreed?

comment:2 Changed 16 years ago by mo.v

At the current rate and speed of BOINC alpha releases, that will probably be fairly soon! Thank you.

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