Opened 16 years ago

Closed 16 years ago

Last modified 16 years ago

#827 closed Defect (invalid)

libcudart not detected

Reported by: garcimore Owned by: charlief
Priority: Minor Milestone: 6.6
Component: Client - Daemon Version: 6.6.0
Keywords: cuda Cc:


on osX platform using the latest build 6.6.1 libcudart is still not detected even if drivers are installed correctly and works properly. full path to library must be include in dlopen for and this change must be kept accross version changes

cf information if u do a man dlopen on osx platform

"If the main executable is a set[ug]id binary, then all environment variables are ignored, and only a full path can be used"

Change History (2)

comment:1 Changed 16 years ago by davea

Owner: changed from davea to charlief

comment:2 in reply to:  description Changed 16 years ago by charlief

Resolution: invalid
Status: newclosed

Replying to garcimore:

on osX platform using the latest build 6.6.1 libcudart is still not detected even if drivers are installed correctly and works properly. full path to library must be include in dlopen for and this change must be kept accross version changes

cf information if u do a man dlopen on osx platform

"If the main executable is a set[ug]id binary, then all environment variables are ignored, and only a full path can be used"

This is the expected operation. CUDA support is not yet functional on the Mac. The library is accessed correctly using a full path, and the coprocessor is properly recognized and identified on those Intel Macs which do not support 64-bit architecture (x86_64); those running OS 10.4 or with an early Intel processor (before Core 2 Duo).

The problem is that the CUDA library does not yet support 64-bit architecture (x86_64). NVIDIA has promised to fix this. When NVIDIA releases a 64-bit compatible library, installing it will automatically resolve this issue.

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