Opened 16 years ago

Closed 16 years ago

Last modified 16 years ago

#788 closed Defect (fixed)

When using app_info.xml, BOINC requests -1 seconds worth of work

Reported by: Ageless Owned by: davea
Priority: Critical Milestone: 6.4
Component: Client - Scheduler Policy Version: 6.4.3
Keywords: scheduler client Cc:


When one of the projects uses an anonymous platform file, BOINC starts requesting -1 seconds worth of work for all projects asking for work. None get work, not even when it's available.

Only after all work in cache has been done, will BOINC start asking new work. Temporarily suspending the project(s) running with the app_info.xml files will also reset the request to normal amounts.

06-Dec-08 11:30:44|SETI@home|[sched_op_debug] Starting scheduler request
06-Dec-08 11:30:44|SETI@home|Sending scheduler request: To fetch work.  Requesting -1 seconds of work, reporting 0 completed tasks
06-Dec-08 11:30:49|SETI@home|Scheduler request completed: got 0 new tasks
06-Dec-08 11:30:49|SETI@home|[sched_ops_debug] Server version 605
06-Dec-08 11:30:49|SETI@home|Project requested delay of 11.000000 seconds
06-Dec-08 11:30:49|SETI@home|[sched_op_debug] Deferring communication for 1 hr 37 min 11 sec
06-Dec-08 11:30:49|SETI@home|[sched_op_debug] Reason: no work from project
06-Dec-08 11:30:54|Pirates@Home|[sched_op_debug] Starting scheduler request
06-Dec-08 11:30:54|Pirates@Home|Sending scheduler request: To fetch work.  Requesting -1 seconds of work, reporting 0 completed tasks
06-Dec-08 11:30:59|Pirates@Home|Scheduler request completed: got 0 new tasks
06-Dec-08 11:30:59|Pirates@Home|[sched_ops_debug] Server version 603
06-Dec-08 11:30:59|Pirates@Home|Project requested delay of 48.000000 seconds
06-Dec-08 11:30:59|Pirates@Home|[sched_op_debug] Deferring communication for 1 min 54 sec
06-Dec-08 11:30:59|Pirates@Home|[sched_op_debug] Reason: no work from project

It probably has to do with the "to completion time" on app_info.xml projects being stuck to 00:00:01

Change History (1)

comment:1 Changed 16 years ago by Nicolas

Resolution: fixed
Status: newclosed

I think it got fixed 13 hours before you reported it: [16633]

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