Opened 17 years ago

Closed 15 years ago

#684 closed Task (fixed)


Reported by: Didactylos Owned by: romw
Priority: Critical Milestone: 6.12
Component: Manager Version:
Keywords: accessibility Cc: Didactylos, "Richard, Haselgrove", mo.v


BOINC needs to be fully accessible. There are a number of linked bugs:

  • #147 Simple view accessibility
  • #428 BOINC nomenclature
  • #442 Wizard accessibility
  • #153 Translatable messages
  • The grid/accessible views need unifying
  • Statistics/Disk? usage tabs accessibility

This task is nominally linked to the Manager component, but it actually affects nearly all components, particularly client, localisation, setup and web.

Change History (4)

comment:1 Changed 16 years ago by Richard Haselgrove

Cc: "Richard Haselgrove" mo.v added

This is astonishing. This ticket was opened 8 months ago with priority "Blocker", and absolutely nothing has happened in all that time.

This observation is prompted by my addition today to trac #147. Can we have some action, please?

comment:2 Changed 16 years ago by mo.v

There has been progress re my requests in ticket 428 about BOINC nomenclature, see But the changes documented in that changeset have not yet, as far as I can see, all been fully implemented throughout BoincLandia?. I'll gather a list of instances of unreconstructed BoincSpeak? that still do not conform to this changeset and post it on ticket 428 as soon as possible.

comment:3 Changed 16 years ago by romw

Milestone: 6.66.10
Priority: BlockerCritical

This is a multi-release workitem.

6.6 is almost out the door, 6.8 is on a short turn-around time.

comment:4 Changed 15 years ago by romw

Resolution: fixed
Status: newclosed

Closing this ticket down, remaining bugs will be addressed as they get scheduled.

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