Opened 18 years ago

Closed 18 years ago

Last modified 16 years ago

#63 closed Defect (fixed)

Doesn't load properly, automatically at startup — at Version 1

Reported by: KSMarksPsych Owned by: Bruce Allen
Priority: Minor Milestone: Undetermined
Component: BOINC - API Version:
Keywords: Cc:

Description (last modified by davea)

Posted by: Date: 5:03 AM 03-24-2006 Loads in a non-usable form. Must be closed and manually loaded to work.

Posted by: waltg Date: 6:34 AM 03-28-2006 There isn't enough information in your description to tell whats going wrong. Please provide more details.

Posted by: Date: 6:04 PM 03-28-2006 I don't know what else to tell you. It was installed on two different computers. When it loads at startup it fails to connect. It must be closed and reloaded, manually, in order to work properly. Another item, while I am here, the program would accomplish much more if the graphics could be toned down a bit! Ed Davie

Posted by: waltg Date: 8:53 PM 03-28-2006

Failing to connect indicates Boinc Manager is starting OK, but times out before contacting the client. Some questions about your installation:

How is BOINC installed - service, single user or multi user?

Does this happen every time you log on, or just the first time you log on after booting Windows?

Is the BOINC Client program running when you get the "failed to load" message? The task manager will show that, press alt-ctrl-del to get the task manager, switch to the Processes tab and look for boinc.exe.

It might be that other programs starting at the same time are using up enough resources that the manager is timing out before the client starts. Two things to try:

-The development vertion might work better, the communications between Boinc Manager and the core client have improved since 5.2.10. Latest dev version is at

-Use a utility to delay starting BOINC when you log on. One such utility (free) is DelayExec?, at . That was provided as a workaround for but 423.

Posted by: waltg Date: 8:55 PM 03-28-2006 If you're having trouble with the graphics, please open another bug report and describe it.

Posted by: Date: 3:37 AM 03-31-2006 This looks like possibly the same problem I have told Rom about and have seen posted recently on the UseNet? SETI group. I have had this happen consistently since at least 4.72. In a single-user install on Windows XP, after a restart and login, BOINC Manager appears in a text button in the task bar, but no icon is system tray. Left-click on task bar button does nothing. Right-click, minimize. right-click, restore opens Manager window. Cannot connect, but Task Manager shows boinc.exe is running. If you then exit and relaunch BOINC Manager, everything then works properly. I still see this on 5.3.30.

Probably fixed by now -- DPA

Change History (1)

comment:1 Changed 18 years ago by davea

Description: modified (diff)
Resolution: fixed
Status: newclosed
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