Opened 18 years ago

Last modified 18 years ago

#234 new Enhancement

Separate filter lists for fora and PM's

Reported by: Fuzzy Hollynoodles Owned by: davea
Priority: Minor Milestone: Undetermined
Component: Web - Forums Version:
Keywords: Cc:


Separate filter lists for users on the boards and for Personal Messages wanted.

Then people can filter certain other people from sending them PM's while their posts still can be read on the fora.

Thank you.

Change History (7)

comment:1 Changed 18 years ago by KSMarksPsych

Component: UndeterminedServer - Web - Forums
Owner: set to Rytis
Priority: UndeterminedTrivial

comment:2 in reply to:  1 Changed 18 years ago by Fuzzy Hollynoodles

Replying to KSMarksPsych:

How come this ticket has been set to priority: Trivial?

As a moderator on two of the boards where this feature has been implemented on, I can't have anybody filtered as I need to see what they are posting.

Having received an abusive PM from one of the moderators on the BOINC board, you own board, I need this function implemented very soon, specially when the very same person is posting abusive/spamming posts to me on the boards at the same time.

A little biased, are we?

comment:3 Changed 18 years ago by anonymous

KSMarksPsycho is biased? Talk about trivial. We already know this!

comment:4 Changed 18 years ago by romw

Owner: changed from Rytis to davea

At this time I see no reason to adjust the priority level of this bug, based on the current priorities of the project.

I'll change the assignment of this bug to David so he can make the final call.

As far as I'm concerned KSMarksPsych made the right call based on current priorities.

comment:5 Changed 18 years ago by davea

Priority: TrivialMinor

Probably not worth doing unless more people request it

comment:6 in reply to:  5 Changed 18 years ago by Fuzzy Hollynoodles

Replying to davea:

Probably not worth doing unless more people request it

I'm sorry, David, but I strongly disagree with you. Do you give ticket no. 235 and 236 higher priority than this? Even ticket no 233 which is about spam has been given the priority as critical.

Of course it's embarrassing to you that your own moderator is abusing the system, so you should make up for this by giving this a higher priority, I think.

Thank you.

comment:7 Changed 18 years ago by Ageless

Ticket #235 is Minor. Ticket #236 is Minor. They are both set by Rytis himself, the person who programs these things.

Ticket #233 got set to Critical by the original poster, at the original time he posted it.

If you leave your ticket with only a complaint, we as moderators on Trac set your ticket to the correct component you complain about, (so it goes to the correct developer) and the priority it is set at according to the list we have set with the developers.

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