Opened 18 years ago

Closed 18 years ago

Last modified 18 years ago

#177 closed Defect (worksforme)

V5.9.4 and V5.9.5 Cache too much work

Reported by: FalconFly Owned by: davea
Priority: Major Milestone: Undetermined
Component: Client - Work Fetch Policy Version:
Keywords: Cc:


Client caches significantly more work than set by User and Correction Factors (Time running, time active, CPU efficiency)
First spotted in V5.9.3 (affects both Win32 and Linux) where it led to excessive Caching. Varied from 3x upto 6x too large Cache.
V5.9.4 and V5.9.5 indicate some improvement but mostly remains still 50% upto 100% above selected Cache size.

Observed Data from dedicated machines with sustained 99.9x% uptime and efficiency :
Cache set to 0.5 days = 12h
V5.8.x cache = ~12h
V5.9.3 cache = ~36h upto 62h
V5.9.4 and 5.9.5 cache = ~18h upto 26h (One of 24 Systems presently observed at an isolated peak value of 51h)

The only source of my Preferences setting : MalariaControl?

Attachments (1)

BOINC_Cache.gif (95.5 KB) - added by FalconFly 18 years ago.
BOINC Cache comparison in Network (V5.8.15, 5.9.4 and 5.9.5)

Download all attachments as: .zip

Change History (3)

Changed 18 years ago by FalconFly

Attachment: BOINC_Cache.gif added

BOINC Cache comparison in Network (V5.8.15, 5.9.4 and 5.9.5)

comment:1 Changed 18 years ago by davea

Resolution: worksforme
Status: newclosed

Please set <work_fetch_debug> and send the resulting message log. -- David

comment:2 Changed 18 years ago by Nicolas

Keywords: Cache removed
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