Opened 18 years ago

Last modified 16 years ago

#144 new Enhancement

Make BOINC website valid HTML

Reported by: Simek Owned by: Rytis
Priority: Trivial Milestone: Undetermined
Component: Web - Project Version:
Keywords: xhtml website html Cc:

Description (last modified by Nicolas)

BOINC website have "poor" quality code.

For example: (from index.php)
<hr width=80% size=1>

In new web standards it should look like:
<hr style="width: 80%; height: 1px" />

The code need some improvements. If not XHTML improvements, it needs quotes (" ") in tags values.

Additionaly I suggest to use CSS files. Save them outside the php file and link to elements by "id" or "class" tags.

I think that the XHTML standard of website is very important and it is the future of Internet.


I offer my help with working on this task. I made some XHTML 1.1 valid sites and I can spend some time (approximately 8h-10h per week) to make the code valid.

Edit by Nicolas: XHTML won't be used, we're staying with HTML4.01; see comment 4.

Attachments (1)

download.php (5.3 KB) - added by Simek 18 years ago.
boinc/doc/download.php -> test version in XHTML 1.1

Download all attachments as: .zip

Change History (9)

comment:1 Changed 18 years ago by Nicolas

XHTML? I'd be happy with valid HTML 4.01. Using the latest standards or not isn't really important, BOINC HTML pages aren't currently following ANY standard anyway! (I do want them to be valid, I'm just saying they're not, under any standard)

But definitely HTML 4.01 will do. Personally I don't see what XHTML can provide that HTML can't, other than being able to read it with a strict XML parser.

comment:2 Changed 18 years ago by KSMarksPsych

Component: UndeterminedServer - Web - Project
Owner: set to Rytis

comment:3 Changed 18 years ago by Simek

Nicolas I know that BOINC Website aren't currently following any standard and I think that this must be changed! HTML 4.01 isn't worse then XHTML, but making website validate take much time. When we choose HTML 4.01 after some period of time we shoud change it to new standard. Personally I think that making website now valid with new standard in future allow to save valuable time.

Sorry for my bad english ;)

P.S. I attached file to this ticked. It's a XHTML 1.1 test version of root/trunk/boinc/doc/download.php file. If some one can test this and tell me what is wrong, I will be grateful!

Changed 18 years ago by Simek

Attachment: download.php added

boinc/doc/download.php -> test version in XHTML 1.1

comment:4 Changed 18 years ago by Rytis

We will not go for XHTML because it's unsupported by Internet Explorer. Yes, I know we can send XHTML as HTML, but that's just as bad as sending tag soup.

Since the web won't be able to correctly use XHTML for quite a long time (until 99% of people in the world use the browser that can handle it), the only logical thing is to use HTML 4.01.

Now, to making the pages valid. This is the hard part. I don't think that it's a high priority task. Even if you make the changes, I will have to review them before I check them in, and I don't really have time for that. However, I make (at least the parts of) the pages that I modify valid.

comment:5 Changed 18 years ago by Rytis

Priority: MajorTrivial

comment:6 Changed 18 years ago by Nicolas

Description: modified (diff)
Keywords: html added
Summary: Make BOINC website XHTML 1.1 valid!Make BOINC website valid HTML!

Title edited to reflect we won't use XHTML

comment:7 Changed 17 years ago by mtughan

Nicolas has offered his help, and so do I. He and I have worked on a site together, and we both are able to do valid (X)HTML.

comment:8 Changed 17 years ago by Nicolas

Summary: Make BOINC website valid HTML!Make BOINC website valid HTML

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