Opened 13 years ago

Last modified 13 years ago

#1056 new Defect

Suspended/Snoozed GPU tasks do not show correct Status details in Tasks tab

Reported by: JacobKlein Owned by:
Priority: Minor Milestone: Undetermined
Component: Undetermined Version: 6.10.58
Keywords: Suspend Snooze GPU Status Cc: Jacob_W_Klein@…


Currently, if a GPU task is suspended or snoozed, it just says "Waiting to run". This is not correct, because it is inconsistent with the statuses shown on suspended non-GPU-tasks. The following 3 examples all should be fixed.

1) If GPU task is suspended because of computing preference, it should say "Suspended - computer is in use", like suspended non-GPU-tasks do in that situation.

2) If GPU task is suspended because of "Suspend GPU" activity, it should say "Suspended - user request", like suspended non-GPU-tasks do in that situation.

3) If GPU task is suspended because of "Snooze", it should say "Suspended - user request", like suspended non-GPU-tasks do in that situation.

Change History (1)

comment:1 Changed 13 years ago by JacobKlein

Cc: Jacob_W_Klein@… added
Keywords: Snooze added
Summary: Suspended GPU tasks do not show correct Status details in Tasks tabSuspended/Snoozed GPU tasks do not show correct Status details in Tasks tab
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