Opened 14 years ago

Closed 13 years ago

#1047 closed Enhancement (fixed)

feature request: Allocate GPU to project

Reported by: MarkJ Owned by: davea
Priority: Undetermined Milestone: Undetermined
Component: Client - Scheduler Policy Version: 6.12.15
Keywords: Cc:


I'd like the ability to assign a gpu (or number of them) to a project. When you have mixed capability gpu's in a machine some are not suitable for certain project (like a GT240 trying to run GPUgrid). If you could assign them to a project then the most suitable gpu's can be assigned to each one. Ideally this should be done as a local preference as each machine can have different mixes of projects and graphics cards.

Change History (1)

comment:1 Changed 13 years ago by MarkJ

Resolution: fixed
Status: newclosed

In 7.x clients you can specify in the cc_config.xml file one or more <exclude_gpu> statements. While not assigning a GPU to a project it does allow excluding it from other projects, so in effect it achieves the same result.

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