Opened 15 years ago

Closed 15 years ago

#1002 closed Enhancement (wontfix)

Add a command to force execution of a WU

Reported by: sandro.tosi Owned by: davea
Priority: Undetermined Milestone: Undetermined
Component: Manager Version: 6.10.58
Keywords: Cc:


Hello, in the 'Tasks' tab I'd like to have a button for a command "Force Run" (or similar) that would force the execution of the selected WU(s) no matter the priority or so.

Also, it might be nice if that command would run the WU until it's finished, or maybe another command "Run until Done" that forces the WU to be in running state until finished.

Regards, Sandro

Change History (6)

comment:1 Changed 15 years ago by romw

Owner: changed from romw to davea

comment:2 Changed 15 years ago by davea


comment:3 Changed 15 years ago by sandro.tosi

Well, what I can say from my (user) side is:

  • it allows to control the execution queue better (like we have "suspend" (that works on running WUs too), with this command we can have its complement)
  • you want to run a specific waiting WU because it's 99.9% and you want to complete it
  • you want to run a WU from a new project so that you know how runs on your machine (the ETA it's not so precise for new projects)
  • you have a bunch of half-done WU and you want to complete some of them (and so reduce the "Show active tasks" list to only those running and not waiting)


comment:4 Changed 15 years ago by sandro.tosi

sorry really badly formatted, I'm resending:

  • it allows to control the execution queue better (like we have "suspend" (that works on running WUs too), with this command we can have its complement)
  • you want to run a specific waiting WU because it's 99.9% and you want to complete it
  • you want to run a WU from a new project so that you know how runs on your machine (the ETA it's not so precise for new projects)
  • you have a bunch of half-done WU and you want to complete some of them (and so reduce the "Show active tasks" list to only those running and not waiting)

comment:5 in reply to:  4 Changed 15 years ago by sandro.tosi

Replying to sandro.tosi:

sorry really badly formatted, I'm resending (sorry for the mess!):

now for real reformatted:

  • it allows to control the execution queue better (like we have "suspend" (that works on running WUs too), with this command we can have its complement)
  • you want to run a specific waiting WU because it's 99.9% and you want to complete it
  • you want to run a WU from a new project so that you know how runs on your machine (the ETA it's not so precise for new projects)
  • you have a bunch of half-done WU and you want to complete some of them (and so reduce the "Show active tasks" list to only those running and not waiting)

comment:6 Changed 15 years ago by davea

Resolution: wontfix
Status: newclosed

OK, I see. However, I'm not going to add this because: 1) in cases where the BOINC scheduler is doing something undesirable, I'd rather fix the scheduler than add a manual override. 2) there's a workaround: suspending other projects or tasks. 3) this feature, although straightforward, would add some complexity to the already-too-complex scheduler.

-- David

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