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Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#72 wontfix "Cool down and hibernate" davea KSMarksPsych

Posted by: Date: 5:48 AM 08-22-2006 Im running on a laptop and it gets very hot.. So i snooze boinc before I hibernate to give it a chance to cool down, since the hibernation is quite quick. Could there be some sort of thing which has a snooze, 30 second (or configurable) delay, then hibernate? That way the laptop can start up again very quickly and pick up exactly where it left off, w/o needing a checkpoint.

#44 fixed "Do work after idle for" preference does not work romw KSMarksPsych

Posted by: Date: 5:05 PM 02-22-2007 If you enter a value for the "Do work after idle for" preference and press Save, that value will be reset to 0 when you reopen the Prefence dialog.

#992 fixed "Notices" tab should be disabled if unsupported romw Nicolas

When I started the manager, it showed "Retrieving notices...", even though it was definitely not retrieving anything: the manager wasn't connected to any client.

Then I connected to an old remote client that doesn't support notices. The tab still showed "Retrieving notices...". I think the tab should show a gray background (instead of white) and show a message saying it's not supported.

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