Custom Query (16 matches)


Show under each result:

Ticket Summary Keywords Status Owner Type Priority
#747 Limits apps within a project Application shares new davea Enhancement Undetermined
#1038 BOINC projects' forum + PM notification e-mails in proper language PM notification reopened davea Enhancement Undetermined
#1109 BOINC 6.12.26 does not detect VirtualBox version in Windows systems virtualization, virtualbox new davea Defect Undetermined
#1233 More detailed CPU/GPU usage configuration Usage configuration new romw Enhancement Undetermined
#1238 BOINC Manager crash - Statistics Tab - Clicking "All projects (sum)" while a project hasn't initialized All Projects Statistics Crash Initialize Initialization new romw Defect Undetermined
#333 Confidence limits on times time estimation DCF new davea Enhancement Minor
#627 Core client config file locations Unix, configuration new davea Enhancement Minor
#953 Trac registration allows bots to create bogus accounts & spam us trac registration spam new davea Defect Minor
#1015 BOINC installation should not start the Manager under an admin account client installation start admin new Defect Minor
#1019 crypt_prog output should be improved crypt_prog, output, documentation, help new davea Enhancement Minor
#1061 Installer Protected application execution section needs updated Installer Protected Application Execution new romw Defect Minor
#1063 Windows 7 Screen Saver Install - Control Panel Personalization does not show Screen Saver set to BOINC Installer ScreenSaver Personalization new romw Defect Minor
#1086 Some BOINC Manager Computing Preferences need better sanitization Manager Preferences Sanitization new romw Defect Minor
#1093 In Simple View, buttons should show translations, like the tooltips Simple Translation new romw Enhancement Minor
#850 Display history of data transfered statistics history file transfers new davea Enhancement Major
#1220 user reputation user reputation new davea Enhancement Major
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.