Custom Query (981 matches)


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Results (49 - 51 of 981)

Ticket Owner Reporter Resolution Summary
#146 romw Ageless fixed Change BSG buttons place to top

When BOINC Simple GUI is open on a 14" monitor or on 640x480 screen resolution, it is impossible to reach the buttons at the bottom. So there is no way to go back to Advanced View without deleting BOINC completely and reinstalling.

This could be solved by moving the Messages | Pause | Preferences | Advanced View buttons to the top of BSG, or to allow BSG to scroll down. Or even to add a tab function, where pressing Tab on the keyboard would move from button to button.

#159 romw dollebolle@… fixed Debian Image to compile wrapper is not compatiple!!!


I tried to compile the boinc source to create the wrapper with the Debian image ( but i get errors at _autosetup!

Can you check the Debian Image and update the packages which are to old. Can you send me an email if the Image is fixed and i can download it again?

(Sorry for my bad english!) Thank you! Christian Doll


Ich hab versucht den Boinc-Quellcode mit dem von Ihnen bereit gestellten Debian Image zu kompilieren, sodass ich den wrapper erstellen kann, ich erhalte jedoch schon beim _autosetup einige Fehler! (

Können Sie bitte das Debian Image überprüfen und so anpassen dass alle Versionen die vorrausgesetzt werden geupdatet/installiert sind? Es wäre super wenn Sie mir bescheid geben würden wenn Sie das Image fertig haben und ich es erneut herunterladen kann.

Vielen Dank! Christian Doll

#207 romw Christian Beer fixed HTML entities in BOINC Manager have to be decoded

After the fix for #57 the names are sent to the manager with html encoded characters. These characters have to be decoded back to "human-viewable" ones. In php you can use html_entity_decode() but I don't know if there is a similar function within C++.

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