
Version 4 (modified by Christian Beer, 14 years ago) (diff)

added general notes

Open tasks, closed tasks and well-known translations for the different languages.

General notes

  • After logging in to BTS the secure connection persists, making the webforms slow (because of encryption). Change the address manually to and the connection will be faster.
  • Key-shortcuts are not translatable within the Manager. Translating Ctrl+Shift brakes the functionality of the shortcut! The key can be changed nevertheless but prevent duplicates.
  • The files BOINC-Project-Generic.po and BOINC-Web.po need to be translated in BOINC Development only!

Deutsch (German)

Open Tasks

  • rewrite all files from formal language (Sie) to informal language (Du)
  • review all key-shorcuts (Ctrl+Shift+KEY, Alt+KEY) for duplicates and non working ones

Well-known translations



List of shortcuts in use


Christian Beer (ChristianB)

own language (language)

Open Tasks

Well-known translations


term in own language

List of shortcuts in use


Name (BTS username)