This is an page with examples for much used commands for Git. Writing this page I lean heavily on the commands used at [] and some on [ Confluence]. We're not trying to teach a user how to use Git, but instead if they're ever stuck they can come to the page and quickly look down the page for the command they're missing. '''Note:''' Git is context sensitive. All commands by default operate on the current active branch if no specific branch is specified! Before copy&pasting a command please make sure you have the correct branch activated. ---- {{{ git clone boinc }}} With this command you make a complete copy of the remote BOINC repository from the server onto your computer into the newly created directory "boinc". {{{ git fetch }}} With this command you get all the objects (commits, branches) from the remote repository that are not present in the local one but nothing get's merged. {{{ git pull }}} With this command you get all the objects from the remote repository (''git fetch'') and merge changes from the remote branch into your currently active local branch (''git merge''). {{{ git checkout client_release/7/7.8 }}} With this command you create and activate a local copy of the remote client release branch. {{{ git checkout --track -b boinc_7.8 origin/client_release/7/7.8 }}} With this command you create and activate a local copy of the remote client release branch with a custom name. The local branch is also connected to the remote branch so that ''git pull'' still works. {{{ git checkout boinc_7.8 }}} With this command you can switch to your custom branch if you switched to a different branch in the meantime. {{{ git checkout master }}} With this command you can switch to the Master branch if you switched to a different branch in the meantime. {{{ git branch }}} Lists existing branches. {{{ git branch -a }}} List existing branches, including the ones on the remote server. {{{ git status }}} Shows you the status of files in the index versus the working directory. {{{ git log }}} Shows a listing of commits on a branch including the corresponding details. {{{ git log --since=01-12-1970 --pretty=format:"%s" --graph --grep="client:" --grep="MGR:" --grep="Mac:" --grep="Mac installer:" --grep="Mac uninstaller:" --grep="Manager:" --grep="client/lib:" --grep="LIB:" --grep="SCR:" --grep="WINBUILD:" --grep="locale:" --grep="CURL:" --grep="OpenSSL:" --grep="zlib:" --grep="Linux:" --grep="VBOX:" --grep="server:" > a_filename.txt }}} An example of a large search through all commits for specific key words.