Changes between Version 4 and Version 5 of ProjectSpecificPrefs

Jul 30, 2016, 4:39:56 PM (8 years ago)



  • ProjectSpecificPrefs

    v4 v5  
    33You can provide users with a set of project-specific preferences, controlled via a web interface.
    44These preferences are stored in XML, in a field of the user table.
    5 You determine the structure of this XML, and what it's used for.
    6 On the client, the XML is passed to your application in the [BasicApi#Communicatingwiththecoreclient APP_INIT_DATA structure].
     5The code related to project-specific preferences is in `html/project/`.
     6When you create your project, this is initialized to sample code.
    8 Examples of project-specific preferences include:
     8The sample code contains a number of preferences that you can enable
     9by setting the corresponding constant to true:
    10  * Graphics preferences: e.g., color scheme.
    11  * [AppFiltering Application selection]: you can allow users to select which of your applications they will be sent work for.
     12   [AppFiltering Application selection]: users can select which of your applications they will be sent work for.
     13 * MAX_JOBS_PREFS: users can limit the number of this project's jobs in progress
     14 * MAX_CPUS_PREFS: users can limit the number of CPUs used by this project.
     15 * NON_GRAPHICAL_PREF: users can choose to run non-graphical versions of apps if available.
     16 * COLOR_PREFS: let the user select a color scheme for your application graphics.
     17  (On the client, the XML is passed to your applications in the [BasicApi#Communicatingwiththecoreclient APP_INIT_DATA structure];
     18  your graphics app can parse this and changes it colors accordingly).
     19 * GFX_CPU_PREFS: the user can limit the % of CPU used by the graphics app.
    13 The PHP code related to project-specific preferences is in `html/project/`.
    14 When you create your project, this is initialized to sample code.
    15 To create your own project-specific preferences, edit this file
    16 (and keep it under SVN or CVS somewhere).
     21To create your own project-specific preferences, edit this file (and keep it under SVN or CVS somewhere).
    1722The functions you must supply are: