Project Plan
Active items
- Fit and finish items for 6.13/7.0 release
- Walk through Simple GUI workitems in summary email
Release blocking items
- Use separate threads for handling GUI RPCs in the client.
- VirtualBox Workitems
- Test with Linux sandbox
- Test with Windows sandbox
- Need new SG Help web page for 6.13.0+
- Update wiki page docs on creating skins
Planned items
- Bring server_stable and server VM up to trunk
- Scheduler: restructure so that multiple job sources
(cache, batch, locality, co-scheduling)
feed into the score-based scheduling mechanism.
- OpenID support
- Server and web
- client
- manager
- BOINC Manager
- Rework preferences dialogs
- Update sample code for building on XCode 4.2 under OS 10.7.
- Update documentation for buildingproject applications on XCode 4.2 under OS 10.7.
- When the Manager window is brought to the front, and the Event Log window is open, the event log window should also be brought to the front (but behind the manager window)
- Clip progress bars at 100%: If a job's progress is > 100%, it should draw the bar as if it were 100%, but display the actual value.
- Finish Building PtP and GR.
Completed items
- Work with Rom to get virtual-machine apps working on the Mac.
- Look for memory leaks in the client and manager.
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