Changes between Version 6 and Version 7 of PrefsUnification

Dec 5, 2014, 4:46:23 AM (10 years ago)



  • PrefsUnification

    v6 v7  
    130130Checkbox: Disconnect connection when done
     133After brief discussion with David and Charlie, Jacob's amendments to his proposal have been:
     136- When I think "computer", I think PC or Mac. We work on phones and tablets now, and maybe will even work on watches
     137  and toasters in the future! Perhaps "computational device" is most clear, not sure.
     138- You probably should, as David suggests, mention "keyboard/mouse" somewhere in the UI, to further describe "in use".
     139  Though, in your example, you mention playing a movie makes it not idle. Is that true? If so, then maybe we need to
     140  mention something more than just "keyboard/mouse".
     141- I intentionally did not mention the web prefs, as "making that look/feel/work the same as the UI" is the job of
     142  whoever will develop this. Though, I would recommend using the same "tab groupings" and the same "group groupings"
     143  in both, and even the same tooltips/descriptions, for complete consistency.
     144- I mentioned changing "Computing Preferences" to be just "Preferences", and Charlie disagreed with that. Now I'm torn.
     145  Perhaps the best description would be "Device Usage Preferences", but that's pretty wordy. I'm okay with
     146  "Computing Preferences", but feel it is a little insufficient. And then we have "Options". How about, for the 2 sets,
     147  we go with "BOINC Usage Preferences" and "BOINC Manager Options", for clarity?