Changes between Version 17 and Version 18 of OrgGrid

Jul 15, 2008, 11:31:11 AM (16 years ago)



  • OrgGrid

    v17 v18  
    55[[Image(institution.png, nolink)]]
    7 OGM is focused in administer a set of BOINC enabled PCs resources from one institution (see the above image). An institution usually has:
    8  * PCs.
    9  * Different Departments or sub-organizations.
    10  * IT Managers for those PCs, usually one per Department.
     7OGM is focused in harnessing a set of BOINC enabled PCs resources from one institution (see the above image). The basic working model will be that a committee will decide which BOINC projects are interesting for the institution. Based on this decision, the institution will donate its BOINC enabled PCs to the chosen projects.
    12 OGM main goal is to harness all the donated PCs from an institution to different BOINC projects. The BOINC projects will be chosen based on the institution tastes. For this reason, OGM will basically handle two main objects:
    13  * Pools of PCs.
    14  * BOINC projects.
     9The OGM distinguish between the following "hardware" elements:
     10 * PC. This is the basic item of OGM. A PC here is named as a "BOINC working node".
     11 * Pool. A Pool is a set of zero or more PCs that share something in common. For example, all the PCs are located in the same laboratory.
     12 * Department. A Department is a set of one or more Pools of computers that share something in common. For example, all the pools belongs to the math research group of the institution.
    16 A Pool of PCs is a set of PCs. Usually, a pool of PCs will correspond to one laboratory which has for example 15 PCs. The Pool is basically a set that can be defined to create a group of PCs that share something in common like place, features, etc.
    18 The BOINC projects, are BOINC projects which can be institutional or foreign research projects. The idea is that an institution is interested in collaborate with BOINC projects by giving them BOINC resources.
    20 The institutions normally have different departments or sub-organizations. For example, the Math department from one company or university. The departments are a new level of grouping the computer pools. T
    22 OGM assumes that an organization, like for example a company or a university has the following items:
    23  * PCs. Each PC will be a BOINC client.
    24  * Pools of PCs. A Pool of PCs is a set of computers that shares a common feature, like for example: all of them belong to the same laboratory.
    25  * IT Manager. The institution usually has an IT Manager, who is in charge of maintaining all the pools of PCs.
    26  * OGM Manager. The institution will have an OGM manager.
    2815The OGM assumes also different roles for the OGM users: