[[T(Incomplete)]] = GUI RPC protocol = The GUI RPC protocol lets GUIs like the BOINC Manager communicate with the core client. Note that the RPC '''server''' is the core client, and the RPC '''client''' is a GUI or add-on communicating with it (such as BOINC Manager). This may seem confusing. This terminology will be used on the rest of the page. == Basic structure == The protocol is based on XML, and it's strictly request-reply. The client sends requests to the server, and waits for a reply; the server never sends anything without getting a request from the client first. Both requests and replies are terminated with the control character `0x03`. Requests are inside `` elements, and replies from the RPC server are inside `` elements (in both cases there is a `0x03` byte after the closing tag). The current RPC server implementation doesn't require the `` tag, which is handy for debugging (you can connect via [http://netcat.sourceforge.net/ netcat] and just type ``); however, >> clients must not rely on this, and must always send the __``__ root tag. >Ought this to be read as "''must always send the __``__ root tag''"? Nope. I'm talking of RPC clients (which make __requests__), such as BOINCView or the official manager. See second paragraph of this page :) The current RPC server doesn't support pipelining of requests (pipelining means sending a batch of multiple requests without waiting for a reply, then getting all the replies together; this improves latency). For compatibility, pipelining must not be used. To terminate the RPC session, just close the connection on the client side. Warning: some protocols have a specific "quit" command for this. The GUI RPC protocol has a {{{}}} command, but it has a completely different purpose: telling the core client to quit! == Common replies == If a command requires [#auth authentication] but the client hasn't authenticated yet, the RPC server will reply {{{ #!xml }}} The client should be prepared to receive this in reply to any command. Successful commands usually get the reply: {{{ #!xml }}} although individual commands may specify a different reply. For example, any command where the client is requesting information from the server would get that extra information in the command reply, instead of {{{}}}. If a command isn't successful, the reply is: {{{ #!xml human-readable error message }}} Clients should not try to parse the error message. The current gui_rpc_client.C library sometimes tries to parse errors, but this is very unreliable, since the message wording can change (and has changed) between RPC server versions. (r15942 even changed "unrecognized op") == Common XML elements == There are some XML elements (like {{{}}}, {{{}}}, {{{}}}, and {{{}}}) that are common to many command replies. Such elements ~~are~~ will be documented in this section. The XML responses are relatively flat, and are parsed in one pass. The relationship between XML elements is determined by what was parsed before it, instead of based on the tree hierarchy like other XML formats do. For example, {{{}}} elements that come ''after'' a particular {{{}}} element are results that belong to that project; instead of those results being ''inside'' the {{{}}} element. == Authentication == #auth The RPC protocol allows the RPC client to authenticate itself using a password. Most RPC operations can only be done by an authenticated client. Some can be done without authentication, but only by a client running on the same machine. Authentication on the RPC protocol is password-based, and negotiated with a challenge-response system. To initiate the authentication process, send an {{{}}} command: {{{ #!xml }}} The response will be the authentication challenge: {{{ #!xml 1198959933.057125 }}} The value of `nonce` is to be used as a salt with the password. It is randomly generated for each request. To calculate the response, concatenate the nonce and the password (nonce first), then calculate the MD5 hash of the result, i.e: {{{md5(nonce+password)}}}. Finally, send an `` request with the calculated hash, in ''lowercase'' hexadecimal format. {{{ #!xml d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e }}} The reply will be either {{{}}} or {{{}}}. If the client hasn't authenticated yet, and it is connecting remotely (ie. not via localhost), {{{}}} is the only command that can be sent, and all the rest will return {{{}}}.