40 | | * The [http://szdg.lpds.sztaki.hu/szdg/ SZTAKI desktop grid] project allows hierarchical organizations to share resources in a way that reflects the hierarchy. |
| 42 | * The Einstein@OSG project for LIGO at Caltech (http://www.opensciencegrid.org/Case_Study_-_Einstein_at_OSG). Initially developed at the AEI in Germany, our project enables BOINC to be executed in Grid Environments through Condor-G, Globus GRAM as well as GRAM-WS. In particular we are using ~40 grid resources on the Open Science Grid (http://www.opensciencegrid.org/) and ~20 grid resources on D-Grid (http://www.d-grid-gmbh.de/index.php?id=56&L=1) to contribute approx. 150,000 cpu hours daily to the Einstein@Home project since 2008. |
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| 44 | * The [http://lattice.umiacs.umd.edu/ Lattice] project from the University of Maryland has developed a Grid system that integrates Globus, BOINC, and several other software components. |
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| 46 | * The [http://cbl-boinc-server2.cs.technion.ac.il/superlinkattechnion/ SuperLink] project from Technion University developed a system that dynamically assigns jobs to a central server, a local cluster, the EGEE grid, or a BOINC project, based on their estimated runtime. |