Changes between Version 15 and Version 16 of FileDeleter

May 30, 2014, 7:49:20 AM (10 years ago)
Christian Beer

updated to reflect current code


  • FileDeleter

    v15 v16  
    2525Command-line options:
    27  -d N:: set debug output level (1/2/3)
     27 -d N:: set debug output level (1/2/3/4)
    2828 --mod M R:: handle only WUs with ID mod M == R
    2929 --one_pass:: exit after one pass through DB
    30  --dont_retry_errors:: Don't retry file deletions that failed previously.
    31  --preserve_wu_files::  Update the DB, but don't delete input files
    32  --preserve_result_files:: Update the DB, but don't delete output files
    33  --dont_delete_batches:: Don't delete anything with positive batch number
    34  --input_files_only:: Don't delete output files.
     30 --dry_run:: don't update DB (for debugging only)
     31 --download_dir D:: override download_dir from project config with D
     32 --sleep_interval N:: sleep for N seconds between scans (default 5)
     33 --appid N:: only process workunits with appid=N
     34 --app S:: only process workunits of app with name S
     35 --dont_retry_errors:: don't retry file deletions that failed previously
     36 --preserve_wu_files::  update the DB, but don't delete input files
     37 --preserve_result_files:: update the DB, but don't delete output files
     38 --dont_delete_batches:: don't delete anything with positive batch number
     39 --input_files_only:: don't delete output files
    3540  If you store input and output files on different servers,
    3641  you can improve performance by running separate file deleters,
    3742  each one on the machine where the corresponding files are stored.
    38  --output_files_only:: Don't delete input files.
    39  --sleep_interval N:: Sleep for N seconds between scans (default 5)
    40  --appid N:: only process workunits with appid=N
    41  --app S:: only process workunits of app with name S
     43 --output_files_only:: don't delete input files
     44 --xml_doc_like L:: only process workunits where xml_doc LIKE 'L'
    4346In some cases you may not want files to be deleted. There are three ways to accomplish this:
    6669Otherwise antique deletion won't work.
     71Command-line options:
     73 -d N:: set debug output level (1/2/3/4)
     74 --dry_run:: don't delete any files, just log what would be deleted
     75 --usleep N:: sleep this number of usecs after each examined file (Throttles I/O if there are many files.)