Changes between Version 5 and Version 6 of Development_Workflow

Sep 2, 2017, 7:01:45 AM (7 years ago)
Kevin Reed



  • Development_Workflow

    v5 v6  
    1515These changes are documented using [ issues] on github. A good issue will clearly define the problem that needs to be solved and how the software is not currently solving that problem. In the case of a bug report, this will include instructions on how to reproduce the issue. In the case of a feature request, it will detail the capabilities that are required in order to solve the stated problem.
    17 A design may or may not be needed for the proposed change. If you are not sure of your approach, or if the change is medium to large sized--especially if it changes the behavior of the application--then you should do a design so that it can be reviewed when it is still easy to make changes. If you proceed without doing a design, you run the risk of having to re-do significant portions of your change should your approach or design be rejected during code review.
     17A design may or may not be needed for the proposed change. If you are not sure of your approach, or if the change is medium to large sized, especially if it changes the behavior of the application, then you should do a design so that it can be reviewed when it is still easy to make changes. If you proceed without doing a design, you run the risk of having to re-do significant portions of your change should your approach or design be rejected during code review.
    1919Key elements of a design are: