= Exporting credit statistics with db_dump =
The program db_dump generates XML files containing your project's credit data. This data is used by 3rd-party sites to generate some charts and graphs. It should be run every 24 hours. Include an entry like
db_dump -d 2 -dump_spec ../db_dump_spec.xml
24 hours
in your [ProjectTasks config.xml] file. Make sure the file db_dump_spec.xml is in your project's root directory. This file should look like this:
The XML files are written to '''', and the old stats/ directory is renamed to stats_DATE. This clutters up your html/ directory; if you don't like this, create a directory html/stats_archive/ and add the following line to your db_dump_spec.xml file:
If you've set up [ServerIntro#permissions groups and permissions] correctly, you need a 755 permission on the stats directories only.