Changes between Version 3 and Version 4 of BossaIntro

Oct 2, 2007, 2:51:25 PM (17 years ago)



  • BossaIntro

    v3 v4  
    5 BOSSA provides a software infrastructure for creating
     5BOSSA is a software infrastructure for creating
    66projects that use skills or knowledge of large numbers
    7 of volunteers, via the Internet, to accomplish a task.
     7of volunteers, via the Internet, to accomplish a set of tasks.
     9BOSSA is designed to accommodate a wide range of tasks.
     10In particular:
     12 * Tasks may be short (performed on a single web page) are may involve running separate programs and take several weeks.
     13 * Tasks may be performed by a single user or by a group of cooperating users.
     14 * Tasks may be automatically validated, or may require validation by comparing multiple instances.
    916BOSSA uses [BoincBasics BOINC Basics],
    1017and designed to be used together with [BoltIntro BOLT].
     19== Abstractions ==
     21A BOSSA project has one or more ''skill apps''.
     22For each skill app and each user,
     23BOSSA maintains ''skill estimate'', an estimate of the user's skill at that task.
     24This is maintained in the user's project-specific XML document.
     25Normally it's a number in [0..1], and it's initially zero.
     27Normally each skill app has an associated BOLT course,
     28and the skill estimate is maintained on the basis of
     29the user's interaction with that course.
     30However, a project can maintain the skill app
     31using any other mechanism.
     33Each skill app has a dynamic set of ''skill tasks''.
     34Each one has an associated XML document,
     35typically describing its parameters or input files.
     37Each skill task has a set of ''task instances''.
     38Each one represents a copy of the task, either in progress or completed.
     39Each instance is assigned either to a user or to a team.