
Version 2 (modified by davea, 16 years ago) (diff)


Bolt Tutorial

Creating a course

Install the BOINC software on a Linux system (or run the BOINC server virtual machine? in a VMWare player on any computer).

Use make_project to create a BOINC project:

> cd boinc/tools
> make_project test

Edit httpd.conf as directed (you'll need root access to do this). Let's say your server's domain name is "a.b.c" and you named your project "test".

Visit http://a.b.c/test_ops/bolt_ops.php, and create a course named "Test course" with course document "course_doc.php" (we'll create this later).

Lessons and sequences

Let's start with a simple course consisting of two lessons. Each lesson consists of a PHP or HTML file. Create the following files in ~/projects/test/html/user:





Attachments (5)

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