
Version 8 (modified by davea, 17 years ago) (diff)


API for multi-thread apps


Why write a multi-threaded app?

The average number of cores per PC will increase over the next few years, possibly at a faster rate than the average amount of available RAM.

Depending on your application and project, it may be desirable to develop a multi-threaded application. Possible reasons to do this:

  • If your application's memory footprint is large enough that, on some PCs, there's not enough RAM to run a separate copy of the app on each CPU.
  • If you want to reduce the turnaround time of your jobs (either because of human factors, or to reduce server occupancy).

Writing and debugging a multi-threaded app is hard. You may be able to use languages like Titanium or Cilk, or libraries of numerical "kernels" that are multi-threaded.


Suppose an app A uses NT(A) threads.

Ideally, on a host with N CPUs, we want NT(A), summed over running apps, to be about N. If it's less, we're not using CPU time. If it's more, then

  • we increase latency without increasing throughput
  • we use more RAM than needed
  • synchronization overhead is high

We assume that applications may be able to change NT(A) dynamically in response to suggestions from BOINC.

Example: suppose

  • we have an 80-core CPU
  • app A can use 1,2,4,8,16,32 threads
  • app B can use 1,2,4,8,16,32,64 threads

Then we want to have either (16, 64) or (32, 32, 16) threads most of the time.


API functions:

int boinc_nthreads_hint();

An application calls boinc_nthreads_hint() periodically, at points where it is able to change its number of threads. It returns a suggested number N of threads. The application should change its number of threads to a value as large as possible but no greater than N.

void boinc_nthreads(int actual, int possible);

An application calls this to report its actual number of threads, and its maximum possible number of threads. It should call this whenever either quantity changes.

A WU DB record can specify "max average threads", an estimate of the average value of NT(A) on a host with arbitrarily many CPUs. This is used by the client and scheduler to estimate completion time.


Shared-memory messages:

  • core->app (process control channel): <target_nthreads>
  • app->core (process control channel): <actual_nthreads>

Client maintains estimates of CPU efficiency per job, uses this to scale target_nthreads.

Implementation (enforce_schedule()): as we schedule jobs, decrement CPU count by scaled actual_nthreads. rr_simulation() needs to be modified too.


The average number of processors used, Ncpus(A), may be less (because of I/O or synchronization).