Custom Query (10 matches)


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Component: Client - Daemon (10 matches)

Ticket Summary Status Owner Priority Milestone Version
#41 differentiate between number of CPUs to use in idle and busy mode reopened davea Minor Undetermined 6.10.58

Posted by: Date: 3:05 PM 04-07-2007 BOINC detects if the machine is busy and can limit the number of CPUs to use. I'd like to see a feature, that I can define 2 numbers of CPUs to use, one if the machine is idle and one if the machine is busy. Right now I've got a dual processor machine and allow BOINC to use one of them so that my work is not slowed down. But when the machine is idle, BOINC could use both CPUs. Right now, this is not possible. With the advent of multi-processor/core machines spreading out to end users, this would allow more CPU power to be used by BOINC and the necessary preconditions are already implented.

#203 Seperate cpu options for active/idle new davea Minor

Idea: Being able to set the max cpu load separately for active and idle running the same way you can for memory usage settings. Would allow the user to change from idle to cpu intensive tasks where max load causes issues without having to change the max load manually each time, with the chance to forget to ramp it back up once done and waste cpu time.

#333 Confidence limits on times new davea Minor Undetermined

BOINC's time prediction (through no fault of its own) is notoriously inaccurate. However, BOINC already tracks a lot of information about time. Would it be possible to keep enough historical information about each project to be able to give an indication of the precision that the estimate has?

Then, time to completion can be shown as (e.g.) 9 hours ± 3 hours.

#439 supply normal output with abnormal termination new davea Minor Undetermined

If I abort a task, it appears that the client reports only the error code to the server. I've seen cases where the task, before being aborted, created "regular" report files and/or logs to stdout/stderr - but that information from the task never got sent to the project.

What I'm requesting is implementing an *option*, which if set would tell the client to include "normal" report materials (i.e., to append the final error information, instead of reporting only that final error information) when a task gets terminated abnormally.

#545 Seperate processor options for 'While computer is in use' and 'not in use' new davea Minor Undetermined

Allow seperate processor options for then the computer is in use and when the computer is not in use.

#561 Support IPv6 on GUI RPCs new davea Minor Undetermined

Please provide support for IPv6 in a MS Vista environment

#39 Add a project backup function new davea Trivial Undetermined

Posted by: Date: 6:03 PM 10-01-2005 A nice feature addition for some projects (CPDN currently) would be an automatic backup of the state of that project.

The project state would be backed up something like daily. If the workunit crashes then the backup copy would be moved back into the working spot and tried again before reporting a client error.

This would have to be set on a project by project basis, since there is little point to doing this for projects other than CPDN at this time.

#40 upload optional if error new davea Trivial Undetermined

Posted by: Date: 7:27 PM 10-13-2005 add a <no_upload_if_error> element to <file_info>. If present, don't upload the output file if result error.

#579 Multiple CPIDs in Hosts new davea Trivial Undetermined 5.10.45


I filling this ticket out as best as I can to explain the problem. I have multiple CPIDs in each host (15 each). I started with BOINC somewhere in Feb 2005, and around Nov, 2006 when I went from 5.4.11 to the next the CPID problem started. My Username, Password, Email Address, URL, Country, Zip Code, Team Name, Team Founder are all the same at every project (BOINC Managed and unmanaged. In the beginning I attached 4 hosts to all the projects and as I added host and projects all 14 nodes are attached to all the projects. During the time that I went from 4 to 15 hosts I've had as many as 10 CPIDs and No Less than 4, which I have currently. I tried to attached the last host(15th) one project at a time, using another host to change the CPID at that project to my main CPID. I still ended up 4 CPIDs in the new host. I think other hosts may have connected to server between my update and attachment. My Host seesaw the CPIDs back and forth when a differet hosts connects to server.

To make a long story short and not having to detach the hosts from the projects that have the wrong CPID in it one at a time and uninstalling BOINC Manager & deleting BOINC Directory on all 15 hosts, is there a way you can put a feature in the tools tab to synchronize CPIDs/Hash in the hosts to the main one (Something like BOINCStats Synchronize Retired Projects)? Or someway to use BAM to synchronize the CPIDs? I've exhausted everything I can think of to stop my hosts from controlling the CPID at the projects with no luck.



#1165 Native systemd service file for boinc-client new davea Undetermined Undetermined 6.12.34

The attached file is a native systemd unit file for boinc-client and replaces the legacy sysv init script.

It will work on any Linux platform that uses systemd as their init system.

To test this drop the attached file into /etc/systemd/system directory


systemctl daemon-reload systemctl start boinc-client.service systemctl status boinc-client.service systemctl stop boinc-client.service

To learn more about systemd see

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