Custom Query (7 matches)


Show under each result:

Ticket Summary Milestone Owner Type Priority Component
#724 Suggestion: Improvements to BOINC Trac. Enhancement Undetermined Undetermined
#1175 Linux Debian nVidia GPU's aren't recognized in Boinc Defect Undetermined Undetermined
#203 Seperate cpu options for active/idle davea Enhancement Minor Client - Daemon
#813 BOINC Project Website - validation fixes and near-future plans davea Enhancement Minor Web - Project
#872 Many visual and style changes. Redesigned forum style and changes for other parts of website. davea Enhancement Minor Web - Project
#1008 Update Trac to 0.12 Task Minor Undetermined
#1018 Typo in "merge_by_name.php" after latest update davea Defect Minor Web - Project
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.