Custom Query (981 matches)


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Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#709 fixed unexpected behaviour in the client's download logic? davea fthomas

I'm forwarding this bug that has been reported in Debian's BTS (#461582):

I've noticed a strange behaviour of algorithm used to retry downloads if failed.

Usually (no changes to default settings) 2 downloads from the same projects are allowed at the same time.

If there are many downloads from the same projects, and one of them failed, it is put in "retry in xx.xx" mode; at the same time, another file (for the same project) is started to download.

When the file in waiting for "retry" elapses its wait time, it is restarted, and on file currently in download is moved in "download pending".

I think the right behaviour would be to put the waken download file into "download pending" not a file that is in "downloading" state.

#200 fixed typo in m4/boinc_platform.m4 Eric Korpela fthomas

There is a typo in m4/boinc_platform.m4, see the attached patch.

#1004 fixed typo in lib/gui_rpc_client.h ? davea Urs Echternacht

Could not find an include file named xlocale.h on FreeBSD 7.2 . So i removed the x and the libs build ok.

779 	#else

780 	#ifndef _WIN32

---781 	#include <xlocale.h>

+++781 	#include <locale.h>

782 	#endif

784 	 struct SET_LOCALE {

785 	    // Don't need this if we have per-thread locale

786 	    inline SET_LOCALE() {

787 	    }

788 	    inline ~SET_LOCALE() {

789 	    }

790 	};

791 	#endif

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