Custom Query (981 matches)


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1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18
Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#472 fixed Charset doesn't get exported correctly Rytis tstrunk

The Charset is not exported correctly anymore, like it is set in the translation file for each language. (revision 14119 - current)
header("Content-type: text/html; charset=".tra(CHARSET));
should either be
header("Content-type: text/html; charset=".tra("CHARSET")); //because tra operates on strings
header("Content-type: text/html; charset=".tr(CHARSET)); //to take the CHARSET token

To 'reproduce' the bug, you can check the used charset for example in Firefox with 'Right Click -> View Page Info". Without the fix it should just use the default charset for your browser.

#482 fixed Forum Thread errors davea tstrunk

Rev. 14224 gives some error messages if you reply on the forums.


if (can_reply($thread, $logged_in_user)) {
should be:
if (can_reply($thread, $forum, $logged_in_user)) {

if (($controls == FORUM_CONTROLS) && (can_reply($thread, $logged_in_user))) {
should be:
if (($controls == FORUM_CONTROLS) && (can_reply($thread, $forum, $logged_in_user))) {
#512 fixed CPU Time not updated under linux Bruce Allen tstrunk

Since the beginning of november (first noticed there), the cpu time update in the client doesn't work anymore under linux with our app. When downgrading the boinc libs of our client app to for example rev. 13231, it works again.

I added this line to boinc_checkpoint_completed in boinc_api.C:1010

fprintf(stderr,"in Checkpoint complete: cur_cpu = %g, last_wu = %g, last checkp = %g\n",cur_cpu,last_wu_cpu_time,last_checkpoint_cpu_time);
(before) update_app_progress(last_checkpoint_cpu_time, last_checkpoint_cpu_time);

and this one to timer_handler: 852

fprintf(stderr,"cur cpu = %g, initial_wu_cpu_time=%g , last_wu = %g , last_checkpoint = %g\n",cur_cpu,initial_wu_cpu_time,last_wu_cpu_time,last_checkpoint_cpu_time);
(also before) update_app_progress(last_wu_cpu_time, last_checkpoint_cpu_time);

From this I got the output:

cur cpu = 0, initial_wu_cpu_time=0 , last_wu = 0 , last_checkpoint = 0
in Checkpoint complete: cur_cpu = 58.4437, last_wu = 58.4437, last checkp = 58.4437
cur cpu = 0, initial_wu_cpu_time=0 , last_wu = 0 , last_checkpoint = 58.4437

So for me this sounds like boinc_worker_thread_cpu_time() sometimes works and sometimes doesn't. I think, this is the case, because boinc_checkpoint_completed is called from the real worker thread, while timer_handler is called from "Somewhere Else (TM)"

A slight guess at what could have produced this behaviour is this changeset:

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