Custom Query (981 matches)


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1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#549 fixed (reissue) BOINC Client (Win/Mac ...) display error on launch romw aspadistra

When running the graphic client, where it defults to the previously set "Disk" tab -- a severe visual error is apparant due to no defult values existing for the "Disk".

The graphic client does not hide the pie charts until it has the proper numbers, somthing it should do.

#1110 fixed --exit_when_finished davea Dagorath

If BOINC client is started with the --exit_when_finished command line option and a task finishes normally (without error) then, when the client is restarted, the finished task restarts instead of uploading and going to "Ready to report" status. This has been observed on 2 different computers running 2 different OS's (Linux and Windows) and with 2 different projects.

If the task finishes with an error then the client behaves as expected when restarted.

#1034 fixed --max_granted_credit not respected by fallback credit calculation mechanism dhardy

We ( recently had a problem where PFC was too high for some hosts (or in some cases still is). This has resulted in credits being calculated using an alternate mechanism:

        if (pfc > wu.rsc_fpops_bound) {
                "[credit] PFC too high: %f\n", pfc*COBBLESTONE_SCALE
            pfc = wu_estimated_pfc(wu, app);

Unfortunately in our case this wasn't always correct. The attached patch at least allows the --max_granted_credit mechanism to still limit the credit granted.

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